Fifty Two

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"You're 6 centimetres dilated, Demi" I rolled onto my side as the nurse moved from between my legs and headed to wash her hands. I clutched Odell's hand in mine as a contraction hit.

"You're doing so good, Baby" I smiled weakly up at Odell as he stroked the hair off my forehead. "I'm so proud of you" I've been in labour for 5 hours. It seems to be moving along a lot faster than I first thought it would. Odell leant in to kiss my forehead. I relaxed back against the bed as the contraction died down. "We're finally going to meet our baby, Dem."

"I-I just wish it didn't hurt so much" he gave me a tiny smile.

Heather stepped into the room a moment later, carrying two takeaway cups of coffee. I've asked Heather to be in the delivery room with me as I would have wanted my mom there and she's the closet thing I have to a mother now. She handed one of the cups to Odell and then lowered herself down into the chair beside the one that Odell was sat in.

"How are you doing, Demi?"

"I'm 6 centimetres."

"You're progressing quickly" I nodded, glancing up at Odell and I clamped my mouth shut as another contraction started to build.

"Keeping breathing, Baby" I released a whimper, tears suddenly pricking at the backs of my eyes. "You're doing so good, Gorgeous. I love you so much" I gave him a tiny smile as I met his gaze. He ran his hand along my belly, being careful of the heart monitor I had wrapped around my bump.

"Why do people have more than one child?" Heather lightly laughed as she leant to take my hand in hers.

"Because the feeling you get when you finally meet your baby is indescribable. It's incredible, Demi" I lightly smiled through the pain. "So, what names have you both chosen?" Odell lightly laughed as I glanced up to meet his gaze. "Oh, come on, it isn't like I'm going to tell anyone, and baby will be here in a couple of hours" I nibbled on my lower lip and nodded.

"Okay" Odell leant to kiss my sweaty forehead. "If baby's a boy, we're naming him Malakai Odell Beckham, it'll be Kai for short" Heather's lips twitched at the corners.

"And if baby's a girl?"

"Novalee Eve Beckham. Nova for short."

"Those names are adorable" I smiled up at Odell who leant to peck my lips. "So, last bets, girl or boy?"

"Boy" I adjusted myself on the bed.

"Girl. What about you Heather?"

"Girl. I think we're going to have a little Nova" I widely smiled, running my hand along Odell's that still lay on my belly.


"Odell, it's getting worse" I whimpered as the pain travelled around my stomach and down into my lower back. I was on my hands and knees, my head resting on my arm as I gently rocked myself. The motion was soothing and it helped slightly with the back pain. Odell's hand was in mine as he sat beside me, my grip tight around his. "Ow. I think I need to push" Odell instantly pressed the nurse call button and the nurse stepped into the room a moment later. "I need to push" I clutched at Odell's hand as I cried out, my face scrunched up in agony.

"Okay, Honey, let me check you" Heather stepped into the room, and she instantly came to my other side. "I can see baby's head, Sweetheart, so I'm not surprised you need to push" more doctors and nurses entered the room. "Are you comfortable on your hands and knees, Demi?" I nodded, keeping my grip on Odell's hand. "Okay, Honey. When you're ready, I want you to push" a hand was gently rubbing my back, it helped slightly with the pain. I clutched onto Odell's hand, crying out as I pushed. A layer of sweat formed on my body. "You're doing really well, Demi."

"I'm so proud of you, Baby" Odell pressed his forehead against mine as I leant slightly into him. I ended up with my arms wrapped around his neck. Heather was continuously caressing my back which helped slightly to ease the pain. "You can do this, Gorgeous. We're having our baby, Demi. I love you so much."

"It hurts so much" I tried to breathe through the pain but at times it was so intense that I ended up crying out.

"Stop pushing for a moment, Sweetheart. I want you to pant for me, okay?" I nodded, pulling slightly away from Odell. Our eyes locked as I panted, Odell following along with the action which made me smile through the pain. "Okay, Baby's head is born, Demi. I want you to just push now" I pushed, only relaxing as the pain between my legs slowly disappeared and turned into an ache. I sobbed at the loud cry that filled the room. "You have a girl, Demi" I locked eyes with Odell to see that he was crying softly. He leant in to peck my lips and I widely smiled as I pulled away from him, adjusting myself on the bed. "We're going to get her cleaned up, Honey, okay?" I glanced back to Odell.

"Go" his eyebrows furrowed as I gently nudged him.

"Go and be with your daughter, Odell. I'll stay with Demi" Heather's hand slid back into mine.

"I'm so proud of you, Baby, and I love you so much. Thank you" he pressed a peck to my lips and then headed to where our baby girl had been taken.

"I'm proud of you too" Heather leant in to kiss my temple.

"Thanks Mom" her eyes welled up with tears causing me to smile. Her hand covered her mouth as her tears began to fall.

"Oh, Honey. I love you so much" I let her wrap me up in a hug, laughing gently as she softly cried against me. I kept taking glances at Odell and my heart felt so full as I watched him as he watched our daughter, wiping every so often at his cheeks.


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