Thirty Nine

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"I swear to you that once I've completed this college year, I will be here for everything involving this baby" I glanced up at Odell, the straw from my milkshake still in my mouth. I sighed as I leant back in the booth, keeping my eyes on Odell.

"As long as you promise that you aren't dropping out" he lightly laughed but I was completely serious. I don't want him to drop out of college and end up resenting me and our baby.

"I promise that I'm not dropping out" I nodded, leaning forward to grab a fry from the bowl in the middle of the table. "I've been talking to a guidance counsellor and I told him about the baby, he suggested transferring to UCLA. I-I've been accepted to start in the fall" my lips twitched slightly at the corners. "So, I finish my last two semesters in Chicago and then I come home for good. I'm not leaving you and I'm not dropping out" the smile on my face widened and I could feel myself growing emotional. "I'll still have to commute but it's closer then Chicago."

"I love you" he lightly laughed as I dabbed at my cheeks.

"I love you too, Baby" I leant over the table to press my lips to his. His hand ran along my cheek and we only pulled away as a gentle cough cut into the silence.

"It's nice to see that you're okay, Demi" I pulled away from Odell, watching as his jaw clenched before I turned to Elliot who stood by our table with a smile. The sight unsettled me and a funny feeling settled in my belly. "It's been weird not seeing you at work. Everything okay?"

"I-I'm sure I'll be back by Monday. I'm fine" I glanced back at Odell who looked to be growing more annoyed by the minute.

"I look forward to having you back. It isn't the same without you" I'm sure it's not, you creep.

"Yeah, I can't wait to be back" he gave me one last glance before he turned and walked away.

"You still not reported him?" I sighed, leaning back against the booth, my hand running along my belly.

"I have no proof that he's doing anything, Odell. He hasn't done anything but pop up every so often and give me an unsettling feeling. I can't just run to the police and say I have a stalker when I have no proof that I have a stalker" he sighed, leaning forward on the table. He had his hand out and I smiled as I lowered my hand into his.

"I worry about you, that's all. I don't want you getting hurt" I lightly smiled, shook my head and lifted his hand to my lips.

"I'll be fine. We'll both be fine" his smile widened and the sight completely warmed my heart.

"I'm still going to want to protect you."

"And I understand that. You think we should head back and show your mom the sonograms before she blows up our phones?" he lightly chuckled, leaning into me with puckered lips. I giggled as I leant in to peck his lips.

"I think that'll be a good idea."


Heather started to ask about the baby before we had even stepped through the front door. I lightly laughed as I handed the envelope of sonograms over to her.

"Demi" Lani ran into the hall from the living room, giggling as she crashed herself into my legs.

"Hi Princess" I ran my fingers gently through her hair.

"Why mommy crying?" I glanced up at Heather who was dabbing under her eyes. I lightly laughed as I glanced to Odell who shook his head and laughed. He ran his hand along my back and leant to kiss my temple.

"Because she's looking at photos of the baby" Lani's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"How? Where's baby?" I laughed harder as she began to look around as if she had somehow missed the baby. Lani knows about the baby, we told her over Christmas but she didn't totally understand. I think it kind of flew over her head.

"The baby's in my tummy" her eyes danced down to my hand that I ran along my belly.


"Magic" she giggled but I was glad she didn't question me further. "You want to see the photos, Lani?" she nodded. Heather passed me the sonogram printouts and I sunk to Lani's height. She leant into my side; her eyes curious. "You see the baby?" she nodded as I pointed it out on the sonogram.

"They in your tummy?" she turned to me, pointing at my tummy causing me to lightly laugh. Her eyes were full of curiosity.

"Yeah, Honey" my eyebrows furrowed as she sunk to the floor but my heart burst and I felt my eyes beginning to well up as she leant to kiss my belly. I glanced up at Odell who had a wide smile spread across his face and then I looked to Heather who seemed just as emotional as I felt.

"When they play?"

"Not yet, Honey, but I can still play and so can Delly" she widely smiled and leant into me, her arms around my neck. "I love you so much, Lani."

"Love you more."

"Nope, I love you more."

"Love you more" she giggled as she pulled away from me. "Can we play dollies now? You say you and Delly still play" her mouth formed into her adorable little pout which is so hard to refuse. I nodded and she squealed with excitement. "I go and get them" I laughed, watching as Lani ran towards the stairs.

"Careful on the stairs, Lani" Heather called out after her. "So, everything's okay with the baby?"

"Everything's perfect" a wide smile spread across her face as she wrapped her arms around us both.

"I'm so happy for you both" she pulled away, pressing a kiss to both of our cheeks. "I'll get us some drinks" I turned to Odell as Heather wondered off into the kitchen.

"I love you" he nodded as he turned to me, his hand running delicately along my belly.

"I love you too" he leant down to peck my lips.


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