Forty Four

450 34 15

I don't think you guys are prepared for this 🙊


I rolled over on the bed, lightly throwing my arm out, with full intention of it wrapping around Demi, but it didn't. My eyes suddenly shot open, my eyebrows furrowing at the emptiness. I pushed myself up on the bed, glancing down at Cleo who poked her head up at the movement.

"Hey, Cleo" my eyes danced to the clock that sat on the nightstand. "Where's your mommy, huh?" her tail began to hit against the bed. "I wonder if she's fallen to sleep on the couch again" I lightly laughed as I removed the sheet from around my legs and pushed myself out of bed. Cleo was instantly by my feet and followed me as I headed from the room. This wouldn't be the first time that Demi has fallen to sleep on the couch, she says it's easier because our bed is far too soft for her. My heart began to hammer against my chest as I stepped into the empty living room. "Demi?" I called out as I began through the living room and into the kitchen. There was no evidence of her even having come home. There was no empty ice cream carton on the counter, a pregnancy craving she tries to ignore but can't. "Demi, this isn't funny" I checked every inch of the house before I glanced out the front window, my heart dropping into my stomach as I finally noticed that her car wasn't in the driveway. I suddenly began to feel nauseous. I ran back upstairs and grabbed my phone and instantly dialled Demi's number. It went straight to voicemail. "Demi, Baby, call me back when you get this, please" I hung up, a lump having formed in my throat. I pulled the phone from my ear and dialled Marissa's number. Maybe she spent the night with Marissa, maybe she went back to hers and maybe her phone died, but surely she would have messaged me, right?

"Odell, why you calling me at 4am?"

"Is Demi at yours?" there was silence on the other end of the phone and it didn't help to settle my nerves.

"No" Where the fuck is she then? "Why would she be here? We left at 11:30. She was coming straight home."

"Did you see her get into her car?" another moment of silence. "Marissa?" I've never felt so scared in all my life.

"No, I-I..." I dropped my head into my hands. I could no longer hold back my tears and they began to pour down my cheeks. "She-She forgot her purse. I-Why didn't I wait for her? I'm coming over, Odell, but-but you need to call the police" police? Numb. That's the only emotion I could suddenly feel. Numb. "Odell?" I nodded but couldn't seem to say anything.

"I-I'm going to try and call her again."

"Did she answer the first time?"

"It went to voicemail."

"You need to call the police, Odell."

"What-What if she fell asleep in her car? What if she...?"

"Odell, I'm on my way over" I nodded, covering my mouth with my hand as I choked on a sob. I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and someone was stomping all over it. I started to feel nauseous. My phone fell from my hand as I stumbled into the bathroom, vomiting up everything in my stomach. Demi, where the fuck are you? I slumped back against the bathroom tile and ran my hand over my head. What if she's got into an accident? What if she's in the hospital? What if she's... Don't even go there, Odell. I sucked in my breath at the thought, the tears just falling faster. I've never felt fear quite like this before. I pushed myself up from the floor and stumbled from the bathroom, my eyes caught sight of Demi's favourite sweater and I felt my heart break all over again. What if I never see her again?

A knock on the front door pulled me from my thoughts. I headed downstairs in a complete daze. I unlocked the front door and pulled it open to find Marissa who looked just as distraught.

"Odell, I'm so sorry."

"You-You were supposed to look after her."

"I'm sorry" I nodded, glancing down as Cleo danced around Marissa's feet. "May-Maybe she fell asleep in her car like you said. We should go and check" I nodded. I went into autopilot in that moment. I grabbed my keys from the bowl by the front door and headed to my car. Marissa climbed into the passenger seat, neither of us speaking a word as I headed to the location that Demi would have last been at. I can't explain how bad my heart broke when we pulled into the parking lot and found Demi's empty car sat on its own. She isn't here. "Odell, I'm so sorry."

"We need to call the police, Marissa" she nodded, pulling her phone from her pocket and instantly dialling 911.

"I need to report my best friend missing" I sunk down to the floor, leant back against Demi's car as my emotions took over. Where the fuck are you, Demi? I couldn't listen to Marissa as she spoke to the police so I went for a walk around the parking lot. It wasn't until I reached the entrance to the building that I noticed something on the floor. I headed straight for it, fear instantly settling in my stomach as what it was started to sink in.

"Marissa" I called out as I glanced over at her. She turned to me as I spoke, instantly heading over with the phone still pressed to her ear. I turned back to the object on the floor.


"It's Demi's phone" I glanced to Marissa who had fear written across her face. "Was Elliot still at the party before you left?"

"Why? You don't think he could have done something, do you?" I sighed, groaning out my frustration.

"Are the police on their way?"

"They're sending someone out."

"We need to find her, Riss."

"We will" I pulled her into my arms as she burst into tears. I felt my own tears rolling down my cheeks as I feared the worse. What if we don't find Demi? What if I lose her and our baby?


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