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"Will you just sit still, please?" I giggled as Odell sighed.

"It stings, Demi."

"It's supposed to. It's cleaning it" I placed the cotton swab back onto his lip making him jump.

"Fuck, Demi" my stomach clenched as he cursed. He wrapped his hand around my wrist and lightly moved it away. I placed the cotton ball into the bowl of antiseptic and then dropped back onto the couch beside him.

"I'm really sorry."

"About what?" he glanced to me with furrowed brows.

"About everything" I lightly shrugged. "Nick wouldn't have beaten you up if I hadn't attacked Marsha."

"Demi, you don't need to apologise."

"I'm still sorry" he gave me a small smile. I didn't even hesitate to cuddle myself into his side and I smiled as his arm locked around me. I sighed in contentment.

"What you planning to do with your week now that you're suspended?" I absentmindedly traced patterns on his chest.

"I don't know, you can keep me company seen as you're suspended too" his eyes rolled as I glanced up at him, my lips spreading into a smirk and I giggled. Me, Odell and Nick have been suspended from school until next Monday. "I'm just glad my dad isn't home" I sighed my relief. I don't even want to think about how much more trouble I would be in if my dad found out about all of this.

"Your dad never seems to be home, Demi."

"Ever since my mom died, he's just constantly working. I think I see him like every other week, sometimes I don't see him for a month. He leaves money and everything, but it gets lonely" the sound of the front door opening made me pull away from Odell. "Who's that?"

"That'll be my mom and my little sister" a moment later, the cutest little girl I've ever seen ran into the living room. Her mouth dropped at the sight of Odell.

"Delly" she threw herself at him and my lips twitched at the corners. I could see that he was in pain as she clung to him but he didn't seem like he cared.

"Hi Princess" she giggled as she cuddled into him. The sight made me melt and I suddenly felt myself feeling things. Am I falling for him? "Did you have a good day at pre-school?" she nodded as she pulled from his chest.

"Why you bleeding?"

"I accidentally hurt myself."

"You're silly" the sound of her giggle made my smile widen.

"I know" the little girl leant into Odell as her eyes locked on me. I wondered how long it would take for her to notice me.

"Who's that?"

"That's Demi, Baby. She's my friend."

"Hi" I sent her a wave which she reciprocated.

"What's your name, Sweetie?"

"I'm Lani. Will you play dollies?" a pout formed on her little mouth. This little girl is fucking adorable.

"Demi's a little old to be playing dollies, Princess."

"But you play dollies" my lips twitched up into a smirk which I realised Odell had noticed and he rolled his eyes.

"And we're not supposed to tell anyone that" she loudly giggled as he lightly tickled her.

"I don't mind playing dollies."

"Yay" she squealed her excitement as she clambered off Odell's lap. "You're now my friend" I widely smiled. "I go get them" she ran off out of the room and I just laughed as I watched her disappear.

"She's adorable."

"Yeah, and she knows it" his eyes danced to meet mine and I wanted to lean in and kiss him. I could feel this pull between us, but his mom walked into the room and stopped me.

"I thought I heard a girls voice."

"Mom, this is my friend, Demi" my heart stung a little at the word 'friend.' Is that all we are? Of course it is, Demetria. "Demi, this is my mom, Heather."

"Hi, Sweetheart" I sent her a wave before her eyes danced to Odell and she gasped. "What happened to your face?"

"My ex-boyfriend kind of..."

"It's nothing, Mom."

"You don't interrupt a lady" I lightly laughed as she hit him lightly on the arm. "Did something happen at school?"

"Yeah and I've been suspended for the rest of the week" Heather just sighed and shook her head.

"It was kind of my fault. O-Odell didn't..."

"It wasn't your fault, Demi, I was just defending you."

"Well, I can't not be proud of you for that" Heather removed her head from her hands. "What do you want for dinner?"


"Okay. You staying, Demi?"

"Erm, I..."

"She's been roped into playing dollies with Lani so she'll be staying" Heather lightly laughed as she nodded and headed from the room. Odell turned himself to me and we shared a smile.

"I-I don't have to stay."

"I'm not letting you go home to an empty house" I bit down on my lip as they twitched lightly at the corners. "Demi..." I lifted my head up to look at him, my eyebrows slightly raised as I waited for him to talk. His mouth opened and then closed; he made a noise as if he was about to speak but then Lani ran into the room with 5 Barbie dolls clutched into her chest. He sighed as he glanced away from me as Lani ran over to me, holding out one of the Barbie dolls.

"You can have this one, she's pretty like you" the smile on my face widened as I took the doll.

"You know, all of these dolls are pretty too. Everyone's pretty."

"Am I pretty?"

"You're beautiful, Lani" she giggled, climbing up onto the couch between me and Odell.

"Delly says that all the time" we both glanced to Odell who was staring at us both with this wide smile on his face.

"That's because you are, Lani. Now, are we playing dollies?" Lani thrust one of the dolls into his chest which he took with a chuckle. I never thought I'd have so much fun playing dollies.


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