Thirty Two

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I stepped out of arrivals and smiled as I instantly locked eyes on my mom who squealed at the sight of me. She started to run at me, attacking me into a hug when she was close enough. I lightly laughed as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Oh, my Baby" I had to refrain from rolling my eyes. "You are to never leave it that long before coming home again" she jabbed me in the chest, a warning to listen.

"I promise, Mom. I'm sorry I didn't come home earlier."

"You had three very disappointed girls."

"I know, that's why I asked you not to mention it. You didn't tell anyone, did you?" she shook her head with smile.

"No, I didn't. Demi's got Lani, they've headed to the park so I thought we could drive down there and surprise them, if you're down for that?" I nodded my agreement.

"That sounds good" she flashed me a smile and then reached for my suitcase. "No, Mom, I can carry it."

"Let me just help you out. You've been flying for 4 hours and I've missed you being around" I allowed her to take the handle, smiling as I adjusted the strap of my backpack on my shoulder. I followed mom out of the airport and towards the parking lot. We shoved my suitcase into the trunk and then climbed into the car. I pulled my phone from my pocket as I settled back against the passenger seat and smiled as I opened up the Snapchat from Demi that had just pinged through.


obj: Afternoon Gorgeous 😉😍

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obj: Afternoon Gorgeous 😉😍

I'm so glad I don't have my Snapchat location on.

"Do you know how Demi's doing at work?" I turned to mom as she glanced briefly at me.

"Yeah, we've talked briefly about it over the phone. She seems to be enjoying it so far" my mom nodded, turning back to the road. "Why?" she shook her head and smiled.

"No reason. I was just starting conversation" my lips twitched into a smile and I glanced back down at my phone as it buzzed.

ddlovato: It's about time you woke up 🙄 What time even is it in Chicago?! 😂😂

obj: We're only two hours in front of you baby 😜

"So, how is college? You made many friends?" I glanced to mom as she focused on the road, glancing to me with a smile as she stopped at a red light.

"It's good. It's nothing like high-school, you don't get bullied for being clever" my mom's smile turned sympathetic. "I've made friends with a couple people in my classes."

"Any of these people girls?"

"I can be friends with girls without it meaning anything, Mom" she lightly laughed.

"I know that, Honey" I shook my head and glanced out the window, my lips curling up into a light smile. "So, are any of these friends girls?" I rolled my eyes as I glanced back over at my mom who turned to me with a smirk.

"There's a few girls. There's a couple of us who hang out" she nodded, turning her attention back to the road. "You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I love Demi. I love her very much" she glanced back to me with a wide smile.

"Have any of them tried anything with you?" I couldn't believe how much my mom seemed to be interrogating me.


"Have they?" her eyebrows raised in question.

"One of them did the day that we first met. She was flirting and she kept touching me."

"Did she kiss you?"


"Did she kiss you?" her eyes turned to glare into mine.

"Yes, but I pushed her away and told her that I had a girlfriend. Mom, I love Demi, okay?" she narrowed her eyes in on me and then turned back to the road. "Aren't I your child anyway?"

"You are, but Demi doesn't have anyone, she's practically my daughter" the smile on my face widened. I love that my mom treats Demi like her own daughter. It makes me so happy. "I will protect that girl, Odell, so don't screw it up" I rolled my eyes and stared back out the window. "But I do still love you."

"That's good to know" she lightly laughed as she turned into the parking lot. We climbed from the car and headed through the gate. We didn't find Demi until we had been walking around for a couple minutes. We found her sat under a tree, watching Lani as she threw a ball for Cleo. Her laugh filled the air and the sound made me smile, it made my heart skip a beat. I've missed her so fucking much. Why did I choose Chicago again? Lani was the first to notice us and she squealed, dropping the ball which Cleo instantly dove on. Demi watched as Lani ran up to me, her hand flying to cover her mouth as she pushed herself up from the floor. I could see her eyes welling up with tears.

"Delly, I miss you" Lani nuzzled herself into me as I cradled her against my hip.

"I missed you too, Lani" I pressed a kiss to the top of her head, glancing to Demi as she slowly approached. "Hi Baby" I lowered Lani to the floor and then Demi threw herself at me, her arms locking around my neck. I ran my fingers into her hair and held her tightly against me. My heart ached as she softly began to cry. "I missed you so much" I pressed a kiss in the nape of her neck and smiled as she tightened her grip on me.

"Don't stay away for that long ever again" I lightly laughed but I nodded, tightening my grip around her. I caught my mom's gaze over Demi's shoulder and she flashed me a smile. I smiled back and then nuzzled my face into Demi's neck, just taking in her scent that has had me hooked since the day I first met her.


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