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I headed straight for the library after lunch, not surprised at all to find that Odell was already sat in there. I glanced around, terrified that someone would see me near the library. Stop caring about what everyone thinks. I sighed as I adjusted my purse strap over my shoulder and then lightly turned the door handle. Odell turned to me at the sound of the door and flashed me a smile.

"You're on time for once" he chuckled as I rolled my eyes. The sound made my stomach flutter slightly. What the fuck?

"Are we doing this?" I dropped my purse onto the floor and then slid onto the chair beside Odell. He slid a book towards me and I sighed at the title. 'Math for Dummies.' "Look if you're not going to take this..." his hand settled onto mine as I went to stand. The touch for some reason sent tingles up my arm. What the fuck is your problem, Demetria?

"I'm taking this seriously. I wouldn't be here otherwise" I glanced into his eyes for a moment and sighed. "I'm assuming you know the basics, how to add and subtract?"

"I'm not that stupid" his lips twitched into a smirk. He's different to all the other nerds. I don't even think I'd class him as a nerd. He's a lot more attractive than...woah, Demetria.

"We're going to start simple then" he slid a sheet of paper towards me and I rolled my eyes at the questions.

"You serious?"

"You want my help or not?" I sighed my defeat as I grabbed a pen off the table. "You have 10 minutes to answer the questions" I nibbled on my lip as I watched him for a moment as he set a timer on his phone and placed it on the table.

"You just going to watch me?"

"No. I'm going to plan our next couple lessons" I rolled my eyes as he lightly chuckled.

"You're enjoying this way too much" I mumbled under my breath as I focused down on the questions in front of me.

"I get to put the head bitch in her place."

"I'm not a bitch" I snapped, glaring over at him. His hands flew into the air in surrender. My heart ached a little.

"Hit a nerve, sorry."

"Look, if you're not going to..." I was cut off before I could properly finish my sentence.

"I'm sorry, okay? I promise that I'm taking this seriously" his eyes burnt into mine for a moment and I can't express how gorgeous his eyes actually are. They're this deep shade of brown that you could...Demetria. I jumped from my thoughts to find that Odell was watching me with raised eyebrows. "You okay?" I bit down on my lip and nodded, glancing down at the questions as my cheeks began to burn. "You ready to start?" I nodded again and remained quiet as he started the timer.

45 + 52 =

I've got this!

The timer went just as I finished the final question. I sunk back into my chair as Odell took the sheet. I chewed on my lip as I watched him, my eyebrows furrowing as he put a cross beside one of the harder questions towards the bottom.

"What?" I leant forward in my chair. "That was right."

"That was wrong."

"No, it wasn't. How is that wrong?" Odell sighed as he grabbed the 'Math for Dummies' book and flicked through it. He found the page that he wanted and then placed it in front of me. He grabbed another piece of paper and a pen. He explained to me how to do the equation and he didn't talk to me like I was stupid. He spoke to me like I was just a normal person. "Oh."

"You'll get there, okay? We're going to get you to pass, Demi."

"If I can't get that right, how am I supposed to do the harder shit? Like algebra" he lightly chuckled.

"Because I'm going to help you and I'm an amazing fucking teacher" I was surprised to hear him curse but the fact that he did made me smile. He glanced back down at the sheet of paper just as my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a Snapchat notification from Alice.

AlieRea😇: You're missing out bitch!! 😋

She had also sent a video and the first thing that my eyes landed on was Nick who had our other friend, Marsha, sprawled all over him. I locked my phone and dropped it down onto the table, my chest heaving with anger. I may not think that I 'love' Nick but we are still a couple. He wouldn't cheat, would he?

"You okay, Demi?"

"Yeah" I need to think about myself from now on. I need to pass math because I need to go to college and have a better life. I have to make my mom proud. "Do you have any more of those?" I pointed to the questions so he knew what I was on about.

"Yeah, why?"

"Can I do another one?" he nodded and grabbed another piece of paper from the folder on the table.

"You want 10 minutes again?" I nodded as I grabbed my pen. "Good luck" he set the timer and I went straight into answering the questions until the timer went off. "Let's see how you did this time" he leant towards me and turned the paper to him. "Wrong" I sighed my defeat as he glanced to me with a small smile. "Let me show you" he was so close that I could practically smell him and for some reason my heart decided that it was going to thump rapidly against my chest. I found myself staring at the side of his face, admiring how good his side profile was. He's so...Demetria. "Does that make sense?" I jumped from my stare, my cheeks burning as he lightly laughed. "Were you even listening?" I swallowed hard, rapidly trying to think of an excuse but I couldn't. "Let me show you again."

I think I'm in trouble.


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