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I led Demi into the living room where she ended up crying herself to sleep so I carried her upstairs and into the guest bedroom. I planned to leave her alone to sleep but as I turned to leave, her hand wrapped around mine.

"Stay" I debated it for a moment but ultimately I crawled into the bed beside her. She instantly cuddled herself into my side, her warmth wrapping around my body. I delicately ran my fingers through her hair until her breathing softened and she fell back into a deep sleep and I quickly followed behind her.

I woke the next morning to the sound of movement. My eyes fluttered open and caught sight of Demi as she sat on the edge of the bed. I just silently watched her for a moment.

"Morning, Demi" I tried not to laugh as she jumped, glancing back at me with her hand pressed against her chest.

"Odell, you scared the shit out of me" I lightly laughed.

"You okay?" she flashed me a tiny smile and nodded, turning herself back around and she glanced down at her hands. I shuffled myself around on the bed until I was sat on the edge of it beside her. I ran my hand on top of hers and gave it a squeeze. "No, you're not" she sighed as she leant against my side and laid her head on my shoulder.

"I just can't believe him" she began to play with my fingers, the touch alone sent currents of electricity through my body. "My mom was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer when I was 14, it had spread all over her body and there was nothing they could do" I gave her hand another squeeze. "My dad always went away for work but it wasn't as often before my mom was diagnosed. As soon as he heard the words terminal, it was like he only cared about himself. He always went away, more frequently then he used too, and now it all makes sense. He was running away to find a better life. He didn't even care that he left me alone to care for my dying mom. I'm starting to doubt that he ever really loved me" I wrapped my arm around her and cradled her against my side as she started to cry softly. "I hate him so much. How can he do this?" I had nothing to say. I don't know how to comfort her right now.

"He's an asshole" she lightly laughed as she pulled herself away from my side. She quickly wiped at her cheeks and sniffled.

"I wonder if he'll even stay."

"Do you want him to stay?" I stroked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She turned to me, her teary eyes locking with mine and the sight made my heart ache.

"I'd like to have my dad around as I no longer have my mom but, even if he stayed, he wouldn't be staying for himself, he would just be staying for me and that wouldn't make either of us happy" she glanced back down at her hands and sniffled. The silence fell around us for a moment.

"You want to go and grab some breakfast?" she nodded and I smiled as I pushed myself up from the bed.

"I'll meet you downstairs."

"You'll have a very excited little girl waiting for you" she lightly laughed and I smiled at the sound. Lani adores Demi, ever since she spent her day playing dollies with her. I'm glad that my family already seem to like the girl I hope to make mine one day, in the least creepy way possible.

"Delly" Lani squealed as I stepped into the kitchen.

"Hi Princess" she giggled as I pressed a kiss to the top of her head before I headed to hug my mom. "Morning Mom."

"Morning Honey. How's Demi?"

"She's okay."

"Demi here?" I laughed as I glanced back at Lani. She had a wide smile spread across her face and her eyes were full of excitement. She was excitedly bouncing in her chair.

"Yes Princess. She'll be down in a minute."

"Yay" I lightly laughed as I turned back to face my mom as she cut a bagel in half and dropped it into the toaster.

"What would you and Demi like for breakfast?" I pretended to not notice the smirk that she sent me.

"I'll grab it, Mom. You make your own" she gave me a smile before turning her attention to the toaster.

"DEMI" I glanced over my shoulder and smiled at Demi as she stepped into the kitchen, her fingers stroking through her hair.

"Hi Lani" she flashed me a smile before she headed for my overly excited little sister. My heart burst as they shared a hug and I couldn't stop myself from widely smiling at the moment. I turned when I felt eyes on me to see that my mom was staring at me with the exact same smirk on her face that she was wearing earlier. I rolled my eyes and shook my head causing her to lightly laugh. She nudged me in the side before she headed to the table and took a seat beside Lani.

"Help yourself to some breakfast, Demi."

"Thanks, Heather" my mom gave Demi a smile and then flashed me a wink which I just rolled my eyes at. I could slowly feel my cheeks heating up though. Stop it, Mother.

"What do you want, Dem?"

"What do you have?"

"Cereal, toast, waffles, bagels."

"Erm, cereal's fine" I nodded, grabbing the boxes of cereals we had for her to choose from. I then grabbed out two bowls and two spoons. I grabbed the milk from the refrigerator and then grabbed myself some cereal while Demi grabbed her own.

"Demi, you play dollies with me?"

"You have pre-school, Honey" she sighed as she glanced to our mom who lightly laughed at her pout.

"After then?" I glanced to Demi who was wearing a light smile.

"I'd love to play dollies with you, Lani."


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