Thirty Six

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I sighed as I reached Demi's voicemail for the 5th time today. I may look desperate to anyone else but she hasn't replied to me in nearly 4 days. It's even been a struggle to get into contact with my mom. It's like they don't want to talk to me.

"Knock. Knock" I glanced to my dorm room door and smiled at Hannah as she poked her head around. "We're off out. You still coming?" I sighed as I glanced down at my phone.

"No, I'm going to stay here" a pout formed on her face. The sight just had me wanting to roll my eyes.

"Your girlfriend not answering you?"

"I think I'm going to see if I can get a flight home" I tapped onto the safari app on my phone.

"Why? She doesn't answer one phone call and suddenly you want to drop all your plans and hurry home."

"It's not like that, Hannah, and anyway, I don't need to justify myself to you because it isn't your business" her arms crossed over her chest and her mouth dropped like I'd offended her. I pushed myself off my bed and grabbed my suitcase from under the bed. I began to fill it with clothes, silently praying that I could actually get a last minute flight.

"You really love her, don't you?"

"Yes, Hannah" she sighed, flashed me a smile and then left. I turned my attention back to my suitcase and began to pack.


I couldn't get a hold of my mom to let her know that I was on my way home so I headed to grab a cab, to be fair it is nearing midnight so she wouldn't have been able to pick me up anyway.

Me: Hi Baby x

I totally didn't expect to receive a reply so it was a shock when my phone buzzed in my hand.

Demi❤️: Hi🥺 I'm sorry I haven't replied! I've had a lot on my mind lately x

I never realised one sentence could hurt so much.

Me: What's up? x

I glanced out the car window to see that we were only like 10 minutes away from home. I kept glancing down at my phone but didn't once receive a reply. I could see that the message had been seen. What's going on with everyone? I only glanced up as the cab came to a stop and I smiled as I glanced out of the window. I handed the cab driver the money and then climbed from the cab. Instead of heading up to my house, I took a bit of a detour and headed to Demi's. I knew that she was awake so I stepped up onto the porch and knocked gently on the front door.

Me: Come and open the door! It's me😉

It was only a moment later that the door was unlocked and pulled open. I smiled at the sight of her but she didn't seem to share the same enthusiasm. Cleo bounded towards me though and I smiled as I bent down to fuss her.

"At least someone's excited to see me" I glanced back up at Demi to see that her eyes had welled with tears. "Baby?" I lightly pushed her into the house and closed the door behind me. "Demi, what's wrong?" my heart felt heavy with worry. She clamped her hand over her mouth as a sob slipped out. "Demi?"

"I'm so sorry" my eyebrows furrowed with confusion as my heart began to hammer against my chest.

"Demi, what-what's going on?" I gently pulled her hand away from her mouth and linked our fingers.

"I-I didn't mean for it to happen" the hammering of my heart just seemed to grow worse by the second. I could only seem to start thinking the worst. Has she cheated on me? Is she about to dump me? Are we over? "I'm pregnant" that was the last thing I expected to leave her mouth. Pregnant. Baby. Dad. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I couldn't seem to find the words; all I could do to offer comfort was to wrap my arms around her. She nuzzled her face into my neck and sobbed, every sob was ripping at my heart. "I'm sorry" I ran my fingers into her hair and began to rock us. "Please don't hate me. I don't want you to hate me" I lightly pushed her away from me which just seemed to make her sob harder.

"Hey" I cupped her face in my hands and wiped her cheeks with the pad of my thumb. "I don't hate you. I could never hate you, Demi" her eyes locked with mine and my heart shattered.

"Are you going to break up with me?"

"No" her eyes filled with surprise.


"Demi, I'm not breaking up with you and don't even think about saying that you ruined my life, because you haven't" the surprise in her eyes just continued to grow. "Yeah, this wasn't what I was expecting, but I love you" her lips ever so slightly twitched into a smile. "When did you find out?"


"Is that why you've been ignoring me all week?" she bit down on her lip and nodded, her teary eyes still breaking my heart.

"I'm sorry, I-I was just so scared and I didn't want to just blurt it out, and I-I wanted to tell you face to face. I..." I leant in and pressed a quick peck to her lips to halt her rambling.

"Does my mom know?" she nodded again. "Is that why she's been ignoring me too?" she flashed me a sorrow filled smile. "What did she say?" I gently stroked her hair out of her face and delicately wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"She's actually excited about it" Demi lightly laughed. "She keeps sending me screenshots of baby things."

"And how do you feel about it?" she shrugged, glancing down at the floor, the smile on her face dropping slightly.

"I-I don't think I'm totally ready to be a mom, and-and you're at college in Chicago. It..." I delicately took a hold of her chin and lifted her head up so she was looking at me. "But I can't get rid of it, Odell" I shook my head and wrapped my arms around her. My fingers running into her hair as she softly cried.

"I wouldn't expect you too. We'll make this work, Demi. I promise" I pressed a kiss to her temple, keeping my grip tight around her as it was obvious she needed the comfort.


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