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I stepped into my house, Odell following behind me. The house was quiet, too quiet for anyone to be here. I headed straight into the living room, which was empty, so I began into the kitchen where I found a piece of paper sat on the counter.


You deserve better than me as a dad, you always have. I'm sorry that I was never there for you during those times with your mom. I really did love your mother and I really do love you. I'm sorry for any unnecessary pain I have caused you. I've gone back to New York as I feel my stay here isn't welcomed. I'm only a phone call away and I'll always answer if you ring. I love you, Baby Girl.

- Dad.

I sighed as I folded the note up, quickly wiping at my cheeks.

"You okay?" I actually forgot Odell was here for a second.

"He's left. He's gone back to New York."

"Is that good?" I shrugged as I turned to face him.

"I don't know. I'm alone now, I-I have nobody."

"That's not true. You have me" my eyes locked with his and my heart began to pound against my chest as he took slow steps towards me. "You have my mom and Lani. That little girl loves you, Demi. I think she loves you more than me" I lightly laughed but then his sentence sunk in a little. How did he mean for that sentence to sound? Did he mean that Lani loves me more than she loves him? Of course he did, Demetria, you aren't that special. I pulled my eyes from his and glanced down at the letter in hand. I began to play with it until fingers lightly traced along my jaw and I was made to look up. "You aren't alone, Demi. Not anymore anyway" my heart was pounding against my chest at the closeness. My tongue came out to lick my lower lip and my breathing increased as his eyes flicked between my eyes and lips and he leant into me. My eyes fluttered closed and I felt this force pulling my lips to Odell's, but my phone ringtone sounded in my pocket, making me pull away.

"Sorry" he turned himself away from me and ran his hand through his hair as I pulled my phone from my pocket. "Hi Riss" I answered the call and placed the phone to my ear.

"Hi Babe. You've literally missed the best day at school ever" my eyebrows furrowed as I glanced to Odell who was still turned away from me, staring down at his phone. I bit down on my lower lip and turned my gaze away from him, focusing my entire attention back on my conversation with Marissa.

"Are you being serious or sarcastic?"

"I'm being serious."

"Okay, what happened?" I lightly laughed, a little impatient to find out why school was so amazing.

"Someone has a bun in the oven" what? "They're in our grade, and they were fucking my best friends boyfriend" my mouth hung open as it slowly sunk in.


"Yep" she was sure to put emphasis on the 'p.'

"What? How do you know?"

"I was in the girls restroom and I overheard her talking about it with Alice. Apparently Nick doesn't know yet. She's also planning to get an abortion" I'm lost for words. "And to make things better, she didn't make it to the restroom in time so she started vomiting in the corridor."

"Marissa, that's disgusting" I could imagine her shrugging her shoulders and making her 'I don't care' face.

"It'll be public knowledge soon enough."

"Don't spread it, Riss."

"Why not?"

"Because that's just mean."

"The girl helped your boyfriend to cheat on you, she deserves it" I shook my head, glancing over to Odell to see that he was watching me, he glanced away though as my eyes met his. I lightly sighed as I glanced down to stare at the counter.

"No, Riss. Don't spread it, just leave it" she sighed.

"You're no fun, Demi."

"I just don't want to cause more shit."

"Okay, fine. I'll keep it to myself. Anyway, how's tutoring?" I swear my heart skipped a beat and I could feel my cheeks heating up as I briefly glanced to Odell. He obviously noticed my stare as he glanced up to meet my gaze.

"I'm done talking to you now. I'm going to hang up."

"Dem, come on. You can't keep denying it."

"I'm not denying anything, Riss."

"Demi and Odell, sitting in a tree..." I rolled my eyes and shook my head, and even though I was a little annoyed, my lips still tugged into a light smile.

"I'm hanging up now."


"Bye Riss."

"Bye Dem" she loudly laughed as I removed the phone from my ear and hung up. I shook my head, my cheeks just seeming to burn hotter. I lowered my phone onto the counter and bit down on my lower lip, glancing to Odell who was watching me.

"That Marissa?" I seriously pray he didn't hear any of that.

"Yeah, apparently Marsha's pregnant."

"Really?" his eyebrows furrowed. I bit down on my lip and nodded as I leant against the counter. I crossed my arms over my chest. "I'm assuming the baby is Nick's?" I nodded again. "That must hurt?"

"Not as much as I thought it would. I don't care, he was kind of an a-hole anyway" Odell lightly laughed. The sound made my heart skip a beat and my mind went back to the kiss that we almost shared a matter of minutes ago.

"I-I should probably head home" he pointed over his shoulder, in the general direction of the front door.

"You don't need too."

"I really..."

"You're supposed to say okay?" his eyebrows raised lightly as I bit on my lower lip. "This house is lonely enough with two people in it, never mind just one" I glanced down at my hands as I twiddled with my fingers. "We can order takeout. We can just spend the entire night watching movies. I-I don't really want to be on my own" I swallowed hard as I waited for his reply.

"Okay, I'll stay."


Thank you KellyDemiFan for the inspiration for this chapter with your comment on chapter 10 😂😂

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