Twenty Seven

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I glanced away from the tv and over to the front door as a knock sounded. I sat there for a moment and just stared at the door, hoping that the person on the other side will just leave. I was almost holding my breath, afraid that they could hear me.

"Demi" another knock sounded. "Demi, I know that you're in there. I can see by your Snapchat location, so come and open the door" I rolled my eyes at Marissa's impatient tone. I pushed myself up from the couch, keeping the blanket wrapped around me as I headed for the door. I was greeted by Marissa as I pulled the front door open. The smile that spread across her face dropped at the sight of me. "Jeez, Babe. You look rough. You okay?" I stepped out of the way so she could step into the house. I slammed the door behind her and then went back to my spot on the couch. "What's up? We're supposed to be getting ready for graduation, not lounging around the house looking miserable" she dropped down onto the couch beside me.

"Odell and I got into an argument" her eyes widened.

"About what?"

"You excited to be moving to Chicago in the fall, Odell?" my eyebrows furrowed together at his grandma's question. I turned to Odell who suddenly looked like he had just been caught doing something he shouldn't. He also refused to look at me. I could feel anger bubbling away inside me but my heart also ached.

"I-I'm excited. I'm not looking forward to the cold winters though" he nervously chuckled after he'd stumbled over his words.

I pulled my eyes from him and glanced down at my hands, trying to stop the tears from pushing their way forward. He's chosen Chicago, and he hasn't told me. Why hasn't he told me? How long has he known? I suddenly felt nauseous and I wanted to get out of there. I need an excuse. I couldn't think of a good enough excuse to leave so I had to sit there as he spoke about how excited he was to be moving to Chicago. I had to try and be the supportive girlfriend. I mean, I do support him, I've just been blindsided with the news of him moving to Chicago.

His grandparents left an hour later and I was thankful because it would now be a lot easier for me to leave.

"I'm going to head home" I spoke once it was just me and Odell left in the living room. Heather was in the kitchen and Lani was upstairs in bed.


"I don't want to talk about it, Odell" I pushed myself up from the couch and headed into the kitchen. "Thank you for having me, Heather" she turned to flash me a wide smile.

"You leaving already?" I nodded, trying my best to not act like something was seriously bothering me. Even though it kind of was. "Is your dad coming back for your graduation tomorrow?"

"I don't know, he hasn't said."

"Well, I'll be there to cheer you across the stage, and so will Lani" the smile on my face turned genuine.

"Thanks" she stepped up to me and wrapped me in a hug.

"Did Odell not tell you about Chicago?" my eyebrows pulled together as I moved away from her.

"What? How?"

"I'm a mom, Demi. I know these things. I know when something is bothering someone" I flashed her a weak smile.

"As far as I knew, he still hadn't decided where he wanted to go."

"Men, they're useless" I lightly giggled as Heather rolled her eyes. "Don't be so harsh on him, Dem. He's scared of losing you, just as much as your scared of losing him" I glanced down at the floor as I felt a lump forming in my throat. "You can be angry for a bit though, make sure to make him sweat a little" I laughed, glancing up at her with a smile.

"Thanks, Heather. I'll see you tomorrow."

"You will, Sweetheart" I gave her a hug, turning and heading from the kitchen once we pulled away. I headed for the front door, sighing as Odell stepped out of the living room.


"Why didn't you tell me?" I took a seat on the bottom step of the stairs and grabbed my shoes to slip on.

"Because I was scared. I-I've never been in a relationship before, Demi. I-I've never-I've never been in this situation. I..." I kept my gaze down on my shoes. "Are you angry because I'm going to Chicago or because I didn't tell you?" I nibbled down on my lower lip and sighed.

"Because you didn't tell me, but you're still going to be 2,000 miles away, Odell" I quickly wiped away my fallen tear. "How are..." I stopped myself, shook my head and decided not to go there. "I-I just need some time to get over this and to deal with it" I grabbed my jacket and slid it on.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"I'll be fine" I headed straight for the front door.

"I love you" I stopped as I stepped out onto the porch. My heart ached at the words. I glanced back at him and nodded.

"Love you too."

"Have you not talked since?"

"He messaged me like 10 minutes after I left his. He just asked if I got home okay" I glanced down as I played with a loose thread on the blanket wrapped around me.

"Did you reply?"

"Yeah" she nodded, relaxing back against the couch.

"How long are you planning to make him sweat for?"

"I don't know" I rolled my eyes and sighed. "We haven't spoken in like 16 hours and I already miss him. How am I going to survive him being in Chicago, Riss?" I glanced to Marissa who sent me a smile that was full of sympathy. "Maybe I should just cut ties now. Let him go before it's too hard."

"Now, that would be stupid" I sighed, staring down at my hands. "Come on, you need to get dressed."


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