"Fine," Jimin stuck out his tongue at him and walked over to the fridge.

"Can you get me one too please!" Hoseok slightly jumped up from his seat.

"Yeah sure." Jimin gave an expressionless face when passing Hoseok a juice box.

Hoseok's phone buzzed when he pocked in the straw into the hole of the juice box. He grabbed his phone from his back pocket and checked his screen, it was an imessage from Yoongi.

"Hey Jimin, wanna play for me?" Hoseok looked up from his screen to look at Jimin, he was drinking from his straw.

"You're leaving me?!" Jin slouched on his chair.

"Sorry I have forgot I had something to do, so what do you say Jimin?" Hoseok said, biting his lip.

"Okay, is that fine Jin- hyung?" Jimin gave puppy dog eyes to him, and of course Jin said sure.

"Alright thanks, here's my cards Jimin." Hoseok left his deck of cards faced down on the table and got up from his seat. "Bye guys."

"Yeah bye, let's play a new set." Jin asked Jimin, who was busy getting comfortable in Hoseok's old seat.

[. . .]

"What's with the text Yoongs?" Hoseok asked once he closed Yoongi's bedroom door behind him. "What do you mean we're going to see, Namjoon?" He said his name quieter. He drank some more of his apple juice. "I don't wanna see him." He crossed his arms.

"Hoseok sweetie," Yoongi started, getting closer to the younger person.

"I'm not little right now Yoongi!" Hoseok was getting a bit frustrated, stomping his feet on the ground a little. He gave Yoongi a pouty face.

"You don't always have to pretend you're a big boy sweetie, you can take breaks." Yoongi ran his tongue through his teeth.

"B-but-" Hoseok cried out, he took a deep breath remembering the mindful exercises he did with Yoongi whenever he felt down.

"But what baby?" Yoongi called him sweet names to try and sooth Hoseok.

"But I-i've been in little space a lot of times now a-and I don't wanna cause you trowble!" Hoseok let Yoongi hold him while fat tears ran down his face.

Yoongi held his head as his head rested on his shoulder, ruffling his hair as he sweetly talked to him. "You never cause me problems baby, don't ever think that, if you ever feel like slipping, just slip okay? Don't hold it back, I don't want to cause you stress and make you cry like this baby." Hoseok had hugged him back tightly.

Hoseok just cried and didn't respond, and Yoongi just held him, knowing Hoseok had heard him. And he let him stain his shirt the few minutes Hoseok needed to calm himself down.

"Do you think you could go to Namjoon's house like this hobi?" Yoongi softly whispered into his ear.

"Does dada wan me to?" Hoseok looked up at Yoongi, his eyes were puffy.

Yoongi stared at him for a little, he wondered what age Hoseok was, coming off from his speech.

"Only if you want to go we can go, but if you don't want to I can call Namjoon and tell him we're not going." Yoongi cupped his cute face.

"Wha time we hava go?" Hoseok sniffled, he liked it whenever Yoongi held his face.

"We have to go an about an hour." Yoongi said checking his watch.

"Oh." Hoseok's eyes shined, mostly cause of the tears that stopped building up in his eyes.

"How old is my baby feeling right now?" Yoongi remembered to not make his voice sound so cold around him.

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