Eun Ae, the only BTS fashion stylist that speaks English, who is close to my age and happens to have a crush on my Taeger, came over and went through basically my entire wardrobe. It turns out that all of the clothing I was bringing with me for the trip had to be approved by Big Hit. I was honestly uncomfortable being around the young woman, although surprisingly she didn't look in my direction too often. I don't know if she was avoiding my presence visually or what.

In the long run, I couldn't get too mad at her selections. She approved the tankini that Jiwoo made for me, and I actually loved all of the clothing she chose. Not to mention she sort of helped me out so I didn't end up bringing more than a suitcase worth of clothing, aside from the garment bag that held my gown for whatever special occasion was planned plus three sundresses. Everything that Eun Ae picked out I could easily mix and match without a problem and create close to twenty outfits with only six shirts, two pairs of shorts, and two pairs of pants.

I was however upset that she deemed my other tankini too revealing because of the way the top dipped low in the middle. So, I would have to probably find another swimsuit while I was on the trip. After getting dressed I debate on grabbing the ash gray zipper hoodie I borrowed from Jk. He had been packing when I stole it from his closet.

I had taken the opportunity to glance at what he had already placed in his suitcase and when I saw two or three black shirts I kindly reminded him of how hot the color made him while he was in Malta the last time. I didn't get the chance to inspect Yoongi's choices also, but I hope that he had remembered this fact himself since he had the same dilemma previously.

I'm at least thankful that it isn't going to be as hot this trip since we are here a whole two months before they were here the last time. I don't know the first day they arrived for certain, but I know their last night they were here was August fourth simply because many of them dated the letters that they addressed to themselves.

Tae sits up in bed once I am done putting my shirt on. "Angel, it's early." He hasn't even looked at a phone or a watch, and the portholes don't really let in that much light, so I am not really sure how he is able to have any kind of grasp on the time. He is right though, it is kind of early. My plans start at nine though, and I would really like to have breakfast about an hour before that since we will be in the water.

His phone's alarm goes off as if to punctuate what I am about to say with a big fat exclamation point. "We have to be at our destination at nine. You need to get up and get a shower before breakfast, Taeger." I lean forward and kiss him on the forehead. Before he can weasel his arms around me though I skirt out of his personal bubble.

He gives me an epic pout which, while adorable, simply doesn't work on me. I give him the look I always give him when he needs to get going in the morning, and per his usual ritual he sighs, throws himself on the bed for a moment or two, before actually getting up and doing exactly what I suggested of him.

Once the water is running I send out a group text to the rest of my soulmates.

Me: Tae is in the shower already. Please tell me everyone else is up.

Jk: I just got out of the shower myself.

Hobi: I was about to get in the shower myself, but I could use someone to wash my back. ;)

Joon: I've been up for about thirty minutes. I'm already in the dining room.

Yoongi: And I just walked in the dining room myself.

Jin: I just got pushed out of the kitchen. Oh sorry, the Galley. Apparently, the guests aren't allowed in there.

Me: Jimin?

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now