Part 38

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The heart monitor slowly began to beep. The doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead. The nurse pushed the defibrillator out of the room.

"Someone should tell his family" the doctor said.

"I think one of the nurses said his fiancé was downstairs in the delivery room" the nurse said walking out of the room.

Jaime walked back into the room and we all watched him as he sat at the end of the bed.

"So?" I leaned forward in anticipation.

"They won't tell me because I'm not family" Jaime said looking disappointed

"That's so stupid!" I yelled

"Well no...." Vic said "If one of Tony's crazed fans knew he was here at least they couldn't find out anything about him"

"Yeah I guess" I said dressing Luke in his very first outfit. I was putting him in the Pierce The Veil top Jack had bought. Jack had fallen asleep in the hallway ages ago. I don't blame him really, if it wasn't for the fact I had kids coming out of me I would have fallen asleep too.

"Excuse me" the nurse said peering her head around the door "Can I talk to May?"

"Ermm sure" I said "What is this about?"

"It's your fiancé, Mr Perry" the nurse said. I felt my heart drop down to my stomach.

"Tony?" I muttered. Vic put his hand on my shoulder and Mike placed his hand on top of my hand.

"We managed to revive him and he's stable" the nurse said flipping through a chart.

"Wait" I started "You managed to revive him?!"

"Yes but he's stable now" the nurse stuttered

"So Tony technically died?!" I yelled

"Well, well yes. Technically but like I said, he's stable now" The nurse said "you can visit him if you'd like?"

"Is he okay?!" I yelled

"Well he isn't conscious but his heart rate is okay" The nurse smiled.

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