Part 36

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I clutched my stomach and felt like my insides were being ripped out. I tried to scream but I didn't have the energy. I laid on the floor and thought about Tony. He would be so mad that I was stupid enough to risk the twins lives. I tried to stand but the pain was too excruciating.

"May?" I heard a voice say. "MAY!" I felt a hand jolt my body.

"Vic?"I said opening my eyes slightly.

"May just stay still" Vic said turning to Mike "go get a nurse" Mike jumped up and ran down the corridor.

"Vic, I'm sorry" I mumbled

"Just stop worrying. I know you May and I know Tony." Vic started "Tony will be fine and you won't stop worrying until you know he's okay" I saw the doubt in Vic's eyes when he said Tony would be okay.

"She's just down here" I heard Mikes voice say. The nurse had brought a wheel chair. Mike, Vic, Jaime and the nurse all helped me in to the chair. The nurse rushed me down the hallway and back into room 205. She helped me on the bed and made me spread my legs. If it wasn't for the fact I was in so much pain, I would have been embarrassed about her flashing my bits to the world.

"Okay you're crowning" The nurse said "You boys can't be in here." The nurse started to shoo the guys out of the room.

"Wait!" I yelled. Everyone froze and looked at me. "Vic, please stay here with me. Just stand by my head and hold my hand. Please?"

"Of course I will stay" Vic smiled and walked over to me. He held out his hand as the rest of the guys left the room.

"Okay May." The nurse said "I need you to start pushing"

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