"No, but I'm on birth control." I explained.


The room fell silent and I started thinking to myself I started giggiling.

"What are you laughing at?" Ashley asked.

"Ian gave me a hickey." I replied.

"Really?" Troian laughed.

"Well he gave me two but I used makeup to cover them.

"Show us." Ashley insisted.

I walked to the bathroom and got some makeup removal wipes. I left the bathroom and back to the girls then wiped the makeup of of my neck and collar bone. I moved my hair to one side to show the girls the love marks that Ian left. 

"Aww." Ashley sounded.

"Does Ian know?" Troian asked.

"I don't know. Maybe. He was awake before me so he might've seen them." I explained.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I was getting a phone call from Ian. I smiled at the called ID then answered.

(( Lucy - L       Ian - I ))

L - Hey.

I - Hey, babe, I'm on my way home. Shay's with me.

L - Okay. Oh, Ash and Troy know about last night.

I - How?

L - We left our clothes all over the floor.

I - Oh, my God. Oops.

L - Does Shay know?

I - Not yet.

L - Okay.

I - So I called to ask you what you wanted for dinner. Shay's insisting we get pizza because of what we done to her last night. 

L - Pizza's fine.

I - Okay.

L - Oh, make sure Shay's carrying the pizza boxes when you get here.

I - Why? 

L - You'll see.

I - Okay. I love you.

L - I love you, too. Goodbye.

Ian hung up and smiled at my phone before sliding it back into my pocket. I continued to smile as I sat between the two girls.

"Okay, what are you smiling at?" Ashley asked.

"Ian called me 'babe'."

"So? Adam called you 'babe' all the time.

"Yeah, but it never sounded good coming from him." I replied.

Ashley smiled and nodded.

"I don't mean to sound rude but why do you never say 'I love you' to Ian first?" Troian asked.

I sighed slightly.

"Because when I said 'I love you' to Adam first he wouldn't say it back. I guess I'm scared that it would be the same with Ian." I answered.

Troian and Ashley both laughed a little then Troian put one of her hands on my shoulder.

"Are you being serious?" Ashley laughed.

"Lucy, he is in love with you. He will say it back." Troian added. 

I gave them both a small smile them bit my lower lip.

"Okay." I said.

A few minutes passed before I heard Ian's apartment door opened. I stood up and Shay was behind Ian, carrying the pizza boxes. I smiled at Ian then ran over to him. I threw my arms around the back of his neck and placed my lips on his. He picked me up slightly and held the back of my neck. I pulled away from the passionate kiss and smiled against his lips.

"That's why." I said, referring to the conversation we had on the phone.

"That's a nice way of saying 'hello'." Ian smiled.

"I love you." I allowed the words to fall from my mouth.

Ian smiled and kissed me back.

"I love you, too." he replied.

I let out a sigh of relief after Ian said 'I love you' back and unwrapped my arms from the back of Ian's neck. 

"Is that a hickey?" Shay cried.

"Yeah, actually there's two." Troian laughed from behind us.

I showed Ian and Shay the marks on my neck and collar bone. 

"What happened last night?" Shay asked.

"Tell her." I said to Troian and Ashley.

"They had sex." Ashley announced.

"Oh, my God." Shay laughed as she opened one of the pizza boxes and took a slice.

Ian smiled at me and kissed me again. We sat down next to Troian, Shay and Ashley. 

"I think I'm ready for the public to know about us." I contemplated. 

"Are you sure?What if Adam finds out?" he asked. 

"I'm sure.I don't care if he finds out." I confirmed.

Ian smiled and kissed my cheek. 

Yes, I do want people to know about me and Ian. I don't want our relationship to be a secret. I want everyone to know that I love Ian and that Ian loves me back. 

More Than Friends: Lucain - Completed Where stories live. Discover now