CHP 14 || Friends?

Start from the beginning

I sighed shortly, "Okay, okay, I won't mess up with the... contract, but can't we just consider this something, well, apart from learning? Apart from the studies?"


"I thought we were friends now..." I put on a sad expression, "You still don't want to be friends with me?"

"That is not the point either. I'm very busy and I have no time to-"

"But you hang out with your group of friends all the time, Phi!" I interrupted.

"That's because we study together, but I don't usually go out of my way to hang out with them. Even for my friend's birthday today, I didn't hang out with him, I had some cake but then I excused myself to go study."

I opened my mouth but he shut me up when he raised his finger.

"And! Considering how I'm taking my main degree and also pursuing some electives of interest on the side, I am under a lot of stress for this semester. Perhaps, maybe, the following semester, I will get more free time. To hang out with my... friends."

"Two things." I began, "One, by the next semester, the photoshoot would be long gone over, and two- does that mean that you agree to be my friend?"

Kit glared, "That is not my point."

"You said that you will have more free time to hang out with your friends after the semester, and since we were already on the topic of the Moons photoshoot, does that mean-?"

Kit let out a sigh.


"Acquain-? No."


"P'Kit, with all due respect, I most certainly believe we have established and passed the acquaintance level by now!"


"We're friends, P'Kit. New friends, call it whatever you want, but we are friends now."

Kit twisted his mouth into a scowl, but he said nothing.

"Now, since that's settled, I think it wouldn't hurt if I could borrow maybe one or two hours of your time for, let's see...  next Thursday? That's the day we're having the photoshoot, for my facility anyway. I want you to be there."

"One or two hours?" Kit repeated, "I have lab and I won't be out not until 5 PM in the afternoon."

"Oh..." I contemplated for a few seconds, "Um- but are you sure you can't make it? It won't start until 11 AM..."

"11 AM, I'm needed at the library."

"You know that too much studying will make your head explode?"

"The most recent case of an exploding head happened in 1991 where this Euro-"

"For God's sake, P'Kit."

"You started it."

I scratched my neck, unable to hide the disappointment in my voice, "Well... I guess that's it then."

"What is?"

"You won't be able to come."

Kit said nothing. He just stared at me aimlessly.

"But, if you happen to change your mind, you'll know where to find me. 11 AM, Engineering facility, we will be outside for an hour before we will move to one of the emptier lecture halls."


That was all he said.

I sulked a little bit. 

Tomorrow is our last day, huh? Well, I hope P'Kit is still okay with being friends with me. I mean- I'm not that bad, am I? And it's true that P'Kit can be a little fiery-headed but that doesn't matter to me! I want to be his friend. P'Kit and I as friends... isn't that just a lovely statement?

I smiled to myself, placing my hand under my chin. 

And maybe if next week he will come to visit me, I can take him out to eat lunch again... or maybe even dinner? Dinner would work better, right? He won't be out from lab till 5 PM so that means we can grab dinner together. I think that would make him quite pleased.

"What are you grinning about over there? Focus!" Came a sudden snap.

I jolted, blinking at Kit.

"If you have the time to zone out and grin, then you have the time to go grab yourself a copy of these papers I've written for you!" Kit suddenly whipped out some pieces of paper from a portfolio, holding it out, "Go!"

I immediately leaped up, rushing to his desk to grab the papers, "Thank you, P'Kit!"

Before I left the room, I turned back with a little grin.

"Has anyone ever told you that you would be such a wonderful teacher? You sure do scold like one!"

Kit raised his fist, intent on coming over to, what seemed like- to punch me. But I just grinned again, my eyes darting to his cute headband.

"You know... however you decide to hit me, I wouldn't be able to take it seriously with that cute little star bobbing around on your head, P'Kit!"

Before he could say anything, I had ran out of the room, laughing.


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