"Why is there a case of beer in here?" Darry asked, holding up the six pack. "Twobit" we all groaned. He chuckled uneasy and grabbed the beer from Darry's hand. Darry just shook his head.

We walked into the hotel and started sorting out our rooms. Within a minute, there was already arguing of who gets which room.

"Hey no! Soda and I called that one!" Steve says.

"Hey no! Soda and I called that one!" Steve says

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"Fine, you and Soda get that room..and then who's gonna be with Y/n?" Darry said. Dal smirked "I'll be in a room with, Y/n" he said slowly. Soda slapped him up side the head. Darry just glared, giving him a warning.

"I-I could" Johnny spoke with his hands in his pockets.

"Good idea" Darry nods. I looked to Johnny and smiled. When I started to blush I immediately looked away as he did the same. I secretly have a crush on him, I have forever. I could never tell him.

We all sat at the hotel restaurant as we ate spaghetti. Soda and Steve were fooling around, Dal and Two-bit went around stealing utensils and food, while Darry, Pony, Johnny and I were the only descent mature ones.

I glanced at Johnny and caught him looked at me. He immediately looked away and continued eating. I blushed furiously as I did the same.

"Soda, Steve!..get over here!" Darry gritted through his teeth, trying not to draw attention.

We finished eating after a good hour. "You guys done?" Darry asked. We all nodded and agreed.

"With the amount of food Steve managed to eat..yes, I think he'd be done" Twobit laughed.

"Haha" Steve mocked "your just jealous I can eat this much without getting fat" he shot back.

"Good night!" Soda shot down the hallway. "Good night!" I shout back.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!!" Steve shouted as he ran back to him and Soda's room, Soda trying to catch him behind.

I looked to Johnny and we both laughed as I shut our room door. I began looking through my bag for my pjs. "Ya know..you didn't have to offer to sleep with me.."I then realized that sounded wrong! "I-I mean-Share a room with me!" I said shaking my head. Johnny chuckled.

"No it's okay..like I'd wanna share a room with one of those knuckle heads" he said. I laughed "can't blame ya" I say as I finally found my pj shorts and over sized t-shirt.

"Ummm..do Ya mind turning around so I can change?" I ask timidly. His eyes go wide.

"Oh-I-Umm-ya of course" he said as he put his hands over his eyes and turned around on the bed. I chuckled a little bit at his reaction. I slipped my Jean shorts off as I replaced them with my pj shorts. Then I slipped off my hoodie. I quickly glanced around and saw Johnny glancing over his back at me. He immediately turned his head around. I smirked as I continued changing.

I hoped in my bed as Johnny was already in the other one (Each room has 2 single beds). I turned off the light so that it was now pitch dark, and dark silent to match.

"Johnny?.." I whisper.

"Ya, Y/n?.." he replied. I fiddled with my fingers even though I couldn't see them.

"Can I tell ya something?.." I ask. Part of me wishes he'd say 'no' so I didn't have to confess..the other part of me wishes he'd say 'yes' so I could get this big weight off my shoulders.

"Of course..anything.." he said. I heard him roll over to look at me even though we were in the dark, so I did the same. I took a deep breath.

"I like you, Johnny....I..I love you" I admit. It was silent for a moment.

"I thought you'd never feel the same way" he whispered. I felt my heart skip a beat...did Johnny just tell me he loves me?

I got outta my bed and slid beside him in his. "You actually mean that?" I ask. I felt him nod against the pillow. I felt for his face and cupped his cheek before slamming my lips against his.
Things started to get heated.

"A-are you sure about this?..." he asked. I nodded "I want you" I say as I kiss him again.
*You guys can use your imagination for the rest ;)*


I woke and turned over to see Johnny sleeping peacefully. He then opened his eyes. "Morning" he kissed my head. I smiled. "Morning to you to....last night was.." he smiled as he looked down at me "amazing" he finished. I nodded in agreement.

After a while of cuddling, We decided to get up and get dressed. I sigh as I open the door and walk out, Johnny following behind. The gang and I had planned to swim today. When I looked up..the gang and my brothers were all already there with either smirks, or well slightly angry faces if you were Darry.

"What?" I laughed then looked at Johnny with a shrug. Everyone laughs. My face turned bright red, as did Johnny's. I just didn't like having all the attention on me like this.

"What guys?.." Johnny asked.

"We heard you guys from three rooms away" Two-but laughed. Steve spoke next "all night!" He laughed harder. Johnny's and my face were red as a tomato at this point.

"You better have used protection" I heard Darry mumble as he walked away, to the pool I'm guessing. I walked away and headed to the pool, wanting to get the hell outta there.

Johnny's POV
Dal slung an arm around me playfully as we walked to the pool. "So tell me man..how was she?" He smirked. I clacked my tongue "cut it out, Dal" I said as I playfully pushed him away.
He put his hands up and chuckled "wow..must've been hella good if you ain't even talking about it" he said. I just rolled my eyes...not gonna lie, it was great though.

Y/n's POV
Two days later~
The gang and my brothers were surprisingly cool with Johnny and I dating. It was Sunday which means we're heading back today.

We got all our stuff in the cars and settled in. Soda came up with the 'same seats' rule for the way back.

As we drove, Dal surprisingly turned on the radio. I got excited when I heard what was playing and the car went silent.

"Watch out!..you might get what your after!" The radio played. We all secretly looked around at each other, Dal glaring. Soda, Steve, Twobit, and I started bobbing our heads to the beat.

"BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE!" We all sung in sync. Dal surprisingly didn't say anything. "Come on Dally, just this once have some fun!" I shouted.

"Hold tight!..wait til the parties over!" All of us shouted, even Dal! I decided this was the best road trip ever.

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