(arrested) pt.1

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Y/n's POV (14 years old)
"Whooo" I hear someone yell as they down another shot. I attempt to shuffle threw sweaty bodies as I make my way into the kitchen. My brothers or the gang have no idea I'm at this greaser party, they'd kill me, mostly Darry. Angela Shepard invited me here but she ditched with some guy awhile back so it was just me now. I've had one or two drinks, not enough to be drunk but maybe a little tipsy.

"Curtis!" I hear someone yell. I look behind me to see Curly Shepard. "Hey, Shepard what's up?" I ask as I lean my hand against the kitchen counter. He walks over to me.

"Just wanted to let ya know, I spotted your brother and his buddies here somewhere" he warned. I looked around frantically, hoping he was joking.

"Where'd you last see em!?" I ask with wide eyes. I also wondered who he meant by 'your brother and his buddies'? He does know I have 3 brothers, and they have lots of buddies, right?

"Uhhh" he looked around "I think I saw them.." he trialed off as we heard police sirens!

"Ah Shit!, I gotta split! Tim will kill me again..you should to, Curtis!" He yelled over the loud music that was still playing and the sirens, as he started jogging out the back door of this house party.

"Shit!" I cursed to myself. Right as I turned around, there was Soda, Steve, and Two-bit!

Soda looked angry but relieved, Steve looked anxious probably from the fuzz that just shown, and Two-bit was trying to hurry the hell outta here. "Y/n, what in gods name are you doing here!?" Soda asked. I was gonna ask him the same thing before Two-bit charmed in.

"Come on guys! We ain't got time to argue we gotta split!" Two-bit said as he guided us out the back door. Soda grabbed my arm as we hurriedly followed Two-bit and Steve out the door. I was worrying what Soda was gonna say but, then my worry was replaced with fear when we were stopped by the fuzz as we were running out the back yard.

"Hey! Where do you think you hoods are going!?" The cop said as he raised a flashlight at us. We all looked at each other, while Soda protectively had a tight grip on my arm.

"We were just heading home, officer" Twobit Saluted at him. I couldn't tell if he was wasted or not, honestly. The cop shook his head just as another officer showed up beside him.

"Not so fast there, greasers!..I saw you guys slip out the back. Your coming with us" the second cop says as he pulls out handcuffs. My eyes went wide and I looked to Soda. His eyes were blaring with anger for the cop, but at the same time were collectively calm for me. "God dammit!" I heard Steve curse.

The two cops stalked over to us as they first put handcuffs around Steve and Two-bit first. "Sorry but what exactly are we being arrested for?..huh!?" Steve said angry but still allowed them to cuff him, which is a smart move. Cops like that wouldn't give a damn if anything happened to us greasers, including shooting one of us.

"Your in no position to be asking questions, randle" the cops says. I guess he knows Steve or his dad. I know Steve's dad had been arrested quite a bit before. Steve just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Hey, easy on the wrists!" Two-bit complained as they took him and Steve off to the cruiser in the front. Next, Soda and I were handcuffed from behind. I looked to Soda and he nodded at me in a comforting way. The two officers brought Soda and I in another cruiser out front. Soda and I in one, Twobit and Steve in the one in-front of us.

"Soda what's gonna happen?" I ask as I look over to him. Not gonna lie, these damn handcuffs hurt behind my back as I had to sit against the seat. "It's gonna be fine, I promise. We might just have to call Darry" Soda said with a cringe face. I hated to call Darry. I didn't want to but, I could already imagine the look of anger and disappointment on Darry's face walking threw police station doors to come get us four. I sigh and lean my head back against the leather seat. Just then, the officer came back and rolled down the window, still outside.

"Who's this?..your girlfriend?" The officer asks. I looked to his badge and it said 'Marshall's'

"Sister" Soda snarled at him. He chuckled and shook his head "you greasers sure are animals...stay put I'll be back" he says and walks away.

After about five uncomfortable moments, the officer came back. "Alright, come on you two..one of my partner needs this cruiser, your riding with your buddies" he states as he opens the door. I look to Soda and he nods. I slid out of my seat as Soda does the same behind me.

The officer, known as 'Marshall's', leads us to the other cruiser. He yanked open the door to reveal Twobit and Steve sitting there in handcuffs. "Alright let's go" Marshall's says impatiently, motioning for us to get in. I hop in next to Steve as Two-bit sat next to him so he was closet to the left window, then Soda sat next to me before the cop slammed the door.

"Well fancy meeting you here" Two-bit said as he nodded to us. Steve shook his head once again "can you just take anything seriously you clown!?..were sitting in the back of a cop car and all you can think of is 'which joke should I make up now?'" Steve snapped. Two-bit sighed.

"Well Jeez...just tryna lighten the mood" Two-bit muttered. Steve just glared at him. "Both of you!.. quit it!" Soda said as he leaned over me to talk to them, which was already pretty tight squeeze considering there were four of us back here. They both looked over to him and stoped.

The two cops came back and got into the car, Marshall's in the drivers seat, while the other one sat in the passenger. "So what was the plan tonight, huh?...go on a little midnight recklessness?" The cop questioned as he started the car.

"Of course you think all us greasers would do shit like that" Steve scoffed and looked out the window. "Well..what else were you doing here?" Marshall's asked as he looked at Steve through the review mirror.

"Having a blast till you guys showed up" Two-bit said blankly. I swear his big mouth is gonna be the death of him one day. Marshall's shook his head without a respond and started driving.

Gonna be writing an interesting part 2!

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