Juyeon lifted his hand, making it harder for her to reach. "I'll give you this if~" He dragged out the if.

"If what?" Chanmi asked.

"If you attend my basketball game," Juyeon said and bent down to her level. He handed her the water bottle. "But I won't force you of course. Maybe it's just a suggestion?" He winked with a smile at her before leaving her stunned.

Chanmi's heart raced— his smile.


Chanmi shook her head, trying to forget it. "Aish Chanmi!" She scolded herself while brushing her teeth in the shower.

Chanmi walked out the bathroom and saw Juyeon setting up the table. He lifted his head and smiled. "Come eat." She dried her hair with the towel and sat down in front of Juyeon.

"Thank you for the food~" She nonchalantly sang and dug in. Her eye glanced over to the open trashcan with burnt pancakes stuffed in it. A smile formed across her face. Little did she know, Juyeon was admiring her with a sweet smile.


"You want me to drive you home?" Juyeon asked.

Chanmi shook her head, "I'll just take the bus." She smiled before bidding goodbye. Juyeon grabbed her wrist.

"Wait," He called out. She turned around and looked at him. He gulped, "If Hyunjae abandons you, you can run to me." Chanmi grabbed his hand and placed it to his side gently.

"I'll trust him on this one, but thank you, Juyeon," She stated before leaving.


Chanmi glanced at her phone. It was only 9:00am. She had spare time before going to class. "Maybe I should get coffee.." She mumbled before turning around. Somebody caught her wrist.

She turned around and met eyes. "Ah Jaehyun.." She smiled. "Did you sleep well?"

He moved in panic. "Chanmi I'm sorry I was stupid and I-" Hyunjae quickly spoke. "I.." He looked into her eyes and stopped panicking. "I'm a fool. I shouldn't have dated you in the intentions of using you or hurting you. I'm s fool for that but-"

"But?" She asked.

"But.." He paused. Chanmi raised a brow.

"But I mean it when I say I love you," He whispered. Unfortunately, Chanmi didn't hear it.

"What did you say?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"I said.. I'll do better!" Hyunjae shouted with courtesy. He stood straight and tall. Chanmi smiled.

"I'm not upset. It's fine," Chanmi reassured and held his hand. Even if she suppressed all of her feelings inside, she couldn't help but still feel insecure."Did you eat breakfast yet?"

words: 793edited: xpublish date: may 29, 2021

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words: 793
edited: x
publish date: may 29, 2021

The book will now be onhold i'm sorry for the wait but I need to focus on my final exams :((

I'm sorry but I will come back after June 13-18!

I'm sorry but I will come back after June 13-18!

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