Chapter 4

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"I see..." Lady Tsunade had a blank look on her face with her hands clamped together as she listens to my story. "I'm sorry that you had to go through of that, Yukine. You really have a tough time with the Akatsuki. But, you had to do it without blowing your cover."

I nodded with a sigh, "There was a lot things that I've done that changed me. I can still remember it like it was yesterday. It just hard to erase it from my mind."

"All that aside, I'll do everything I can to convince everyone that your innocent and you were forced by them." Tsunade calmly stated, setting her hands on her desk. "For now, keep on hiding your identity from everyone and act like the person you was. Showing your true self right now will cause a lot of commotions and can jeopardies your mission with the Akatsuki."

Even after this is done, I don't know If there's a way to get out of this nor they would believe everything I say. I am a wanted man and that is all they know from me. Even if I was undercover and innocent, I still have to pay the price for all the crime that I've committed. I guess I'll have to deal with this once the war ends. Still, I really have a bad feeling about it.

Suddenly, I knock came from the door which made me winced. "Lady Tsunade? It's Shizune. We have guests coming back to the Leaf village!" Me and Lady Tsunade look at each other and realize who they are. She gave me a sign to turn back to the person I was and I immediately transform.

Once I was back to Daichi Onishi, Lady Tsunade got rid of the soundproof and said to me, "You already know who's here. I want you to remain calm and don't show any emotions towards them that make you suspicious. You can come in!"

I nodded stand by the window with my arms crossed, looking at the window as the door knob turned. I can just feel my heart pounding and my palms were sweaty. My body was shaking rapidly and I tried to keep it together. The door slowly open all the way and Shizune was the first person to enter. The next person was Jiraiya. He hasn't change a bit- still look the same pervy sage. Another person came behind him and it was a boy.

He wore a short sleeve black hoodie with a fish-net shirt under, his hands was wrapped in bandages, an all black pants with a kunai holster on his right leg, and a mid ninja shoes. He also wore his headband around his neck like Hinata's. I look closer to his face, my eyes widen and it was Akaashi. He's grown to Naruto's young age. I can't believe it.

The next person was Sakura Haruno. She also grew up and looks the same from the manga and the show. I know she's capable of taking of herself now with a tremendous strength from Tsunade's training. My heartbeat was slowing down as another person enter.

"I'm home, Grandma Tsunade!" He shouted with a grinned.

'N-Naruto....' My heart sank deeper in me when I saw him. He wore his jumpsuit when he got older. At that point, I couldn't breathe and my anxiety was starting to build up. Too many things are circling in my mind. I snap myself out of it and breathe slowly.

"My! Look who's home." Lady Tsunade smile. "Look at you two, all grown up." Lady Tsunade comment till she turn to Jiraiya. "I taken the training was a success?"

He nodded, "Yes they have. They've had improved more. Turns out these little knuckleheads make my training a little easy, however they also have their struggle. Still, they slowly getting better and manage to get it done."

Hearing the words from her, Naruto couldn't help but to grin even more. I really do miss that smile of his. Besides him, Akaashi is so different. I can't really believe that it's him now. I was so use to the young Akaashi. Seeing him all grown up made me feel uncomfortable. It was an all "Welcome home" till they notices me to the side. Both Naruto and Akaashi tilted their head in confusion as Naruto asked Lady Tsunade, "Grandma Tsunade, who's this?"

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