Start from the beginning

And I have had enough!
These two were worst than kids!

Do you think that I Care???
Listen here you Trehan, I will not let you destroy Bela!
You may have married her....but that does not give you any rights to humiliate her like this.
And just to let you know even if you fill her with your filthy sperm, guess what I will still be there for her, cleaning her off your dirty acts and giving her whatever she would need or want from me, you Bastard! - replied Ishaan and I was stunned at his words

Ishaan held out his hand to me and said - Let's go Bela!
This bloody Pig does not deserve you!
I need to speak with you!

But I was too numb to react!
This was all too much....and to my horror, all the staff had gathered around us. Whereas Nakul was probably processing the fact that so much audience watched him getting punched.

You fucking piece of shit!
How dare you Punch me Malhotra????
That too for this Wh#re!!!
And she will not go with you! - Nakul pushed Ishaan harshly, held his collar and replied with red eyes

I felt so much fire Inside me... The man who forced everything on me was behaving like a Psychopath now. And the heck he will decide for me!

Enough Mr. Trehan!
Leave him you Brute!
And I will not tolerate such filthy words from you or anyone!
He is hear to talk to me Mr. Trehan, so I get to decide whether I want to talk to him or not!
Now, can I please have some privacy???? - I yelled in red anger

I began to walk ahead, and Ishaan followed as well but I was pulled back with a sudden force and I landed on Nakul's hard chest. The heat coming of his body acted like a furnace.

You will not do such a Thing!
Don't forget I own you wife!
I am sure you don't want to cause any Harm to your pregnant sister!
So it would be better if you come with me right away! - he whispered in my ears

Y...You would not do that?? - I watched him in horror and he gave me a challenging look

Tears rolled out of my eyes, and with welled up eyes i spoke -
Na.. Nakul please!
Do not put me in this place.?
He means no Harm.!
You know I will not betray you!

Nakul gritted his teeth and spoke -
Then, come with me!
I don't want you anywhere around him!
That fucker has his eyes on you!

I nodded and then said - Can I please say a goodbye to him atleast???

Nakul closed his eyes in anger pinching one eyebrow and then pushed me away from him.

On a queue I walked upto Ishaan and said gulping - Ishaan I am sorry!
You are late!
I can not come with you, not now!

No Bela, I promise I will heal you!
You don't have to be sacred of Him!
Nakul can not touch a hair on you! - Ishaan cupped my face

I am sorry Ishaan, I can not leave!
At least in this lifetime, I can't be with you!

Please forgive me for not reciprocating your feelings....I am so sorry!
Please, it's better if we part our ways!
I know, I am talking like those weak TV serial girls who think of their husbands as they are some kind of God.

But trust me, I can't walk out now!
I have accepted my fate.!
Suhani has another life inside her, and he or she has full rights to be under both their parents!

If I walk out, Nakul is going to separate them and I can not afford that! - I almost cried

Do you really think that Nakul will harm his own Brother and the heir of Trehan Empire??
Don't be stupid Bela!
Let me help you please! - he almost begged

Ishaan, please understand!
I don't need your Help!
This is my Battle!
And I will win this on my own! - I spoke firmly

Don't do this Bela..... To..... Me??
I Love You! - Ishaan cried and I felt his pain

Leave me Alone Ishaan!
I am not the one for you!
And besides, it's not very appropriate for you to chase a married woman!
Where are your Ethics???- I spoke sternly

I wanted to give him a comforting hug, speak soothing words.....tell him that he will soon find the right one for himself but instead decided to put up a brave face.
This was for his own good!
Atleast he will hate me!

He indeed looked hurt at my words and I saw him walking away from me.!

I whispered -

Wish you all the Happiness Ishaan!
I wish things were not this complicated!

I was then harshly pulled by a flaring Nakul -
Enough of this Drama!
Let's Go Bela!

I jerked his hands in anger and shouted -
I Do Not Want To Go With You!
Leave Me Alone you Pig!

Bela, I would suggest you to not create a scene here! - Nakul warned and twisted my arm on my back

Hey, Sir!
What are you doing?
If Ma'am does not want to go with you then let it be!
You can not treat a woman like this! - a ward boy from crowd spoke without a fear

Stay the Fuck out of this you lowlife!
I know how to Treat my Wife!
You got any Problem??? - Nakul pushed the ward boy

Then, He carried me like a potato sack on his shoulder despite my protest & punches and the whole staff standing there watched Nakul with an open mouth!
This man really had some guts!

I turned Red when some of the female staffs winked at me!

What's wrong with these Females??

You Hulk!!!
Put me Down!
Where are you taking me??? - I shouted at him

But he just spanked me playfully and replied -

Do you want me to kiss the hell outta you, in front of all these people!?!

And that kept me quite!

He pushed me on the back seat and barked at his driver to ignite the engine.

Once he got in, he switched on the partition on his car and I was scared to be alone with him now.

So, Bela!
You do realise that you deserve to be punished for your actions, right? - he arched his one eye brow











So this is where the interesting part begins!!!!

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If I don't see the reads and votes matching the number then forget the next part!!!

Matlab, mehnat bhi mai hi karun or Begging Bhi!!
(Meaning, I do the hard word and I do the Begging as well)

Not Happening Guys!!!

I know I am Evil!!!!

But my silent readers are NO LESS!!!


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