Chapter 54, "Truth 1"

Start from the beginning

"Things change. You think I want to care about a murderer and a freaking king? No, but my life always sucked and I always chose the wrong people to care about so.... it is what it is..."

"What do we do after this?"

"Kiss me," she smiled. My eyes widened at her command but I showed no hesitation crashing my lips onto hers. I've been longing for this every since the other day. Her soft fragile lips rotating with mine...

What a feeling...

"You do know this changes nothing?" I whispered, pulling back, "I'm still who I am..."

"I know.."

"I need to go pick up something..." I sighed.

"Okay," she nodded.

"Do you want to come with me? I know you need more clothes and stuff so...?"

"Seriously, you're letting me go shopping with you?" she beamed.

"As long as you don't do anything stupid, but yeah," I shrugged.

"I'll get dressed," she smiled. "And you're not watching so leave."

"Nothing I haven't seen before," I mumbled, walking out the door.

Later that day.....

Emily's POV

"What is that?" I asked.

"A new lens for my camera," Jace smiled.

"Your camera? You take photos?"

"Yeah, I'm kind of into photography," he shrugged, opening the door to the house.

Today has been a good day and he spent tons, letting me get everything I wanted. He even bought me a new iPhone and said I could do whatever with it because he's trusting me. I didn't try anything nor do I plan to, this is okay...and I feel okay with him.

"Can I see some of your work?"

"Maybe one day," he smiled, grabbing my bags out of hand and taking them to my room. "I'll have someone else get the rest of the stuff out the car. It's too much."

"You kept swiping," I reminded.

"You kept looking," he grinned. I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen as he disappeared down the hall. I unloaded the groceries and put them up, finishing as soon as he returned.

"Your room needs a remodel," he sighed.

"But I like it."

"Yeah but you have a lot of new stuff now and you definitely need more closet space. I'll have someone do it tomorrow."

"Do you ever do anything yourself?" I laughed.


"Of course."

"Well actually, I smoke myself and that's what I'm going to do now," he smiled, walking to the back door. I grabbed a water and followed him. The sun is nice today so why not enjoy it before it sets.

We took a seat on the huge patio and I took in the view of the trees while he flicked through photos with his blunt hanging out his mouth. He makes the small and disgusting things attractive like the strap from his camera clinging around his neck.

"Can you take a picture of me?" I smiled.

"You're gonna pose for me?" he grinned, inhaling the smoke.

"I just want to see how good you are at this, you seem focused."

"Photography is real thing, it's beautiful, it tells stories without the words. You can capture the beauty, the pain, the pleasure, with just one click.." he explained passionately.

"Okay Leonardo," I laughed, him joining in.

"Fine, lay down on your stomach and pose for me," he directed. I did as he said and rested my face in my hands while my elbows connected with the wool.

"Time to pose for me now," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and lifted the back of my body up some, keeping a straight face. "Flick your hair to the side slowly like with your hand and then look at the camera," he said, getting in front of me and shutting one of his eyes to capture the shot.

I did as he said and heard the quick snap.

"Got it," he smiled, taking a look at the photo, "Put a little effect........and done."


"Wow, you're literally perfect," he said softly.

"Let me see," I smiled, going beside him to take a look. When I saw the photo my eyes widened, I can't believe Jace took this. It looks like work done by a professional but yet, it's work done by a criminal...

"You're talented," I smiled.

"Nah you're just beautiful Emily...."

I crashed our lips together then pulled back to see the smile played on his lips. This is something I'll never forget...

"I want to stare at it all day," he chuckled.

"My picture?"

"Yeah, like I said, you can capture the beauty and the pain in with just one snap. Your body and the position symbolizes the beauty you withhold while the eyes display the pain you're holding on to."

"Wow Jace, why didn't you just stick to photography?" I teased

"Haha very funny, I happen to like guns more," he smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Right," I laughed.

A criminal mind.....

A mafia leader.....

A murderer.....

A photographer.....

What's next?

The photo :)

The photo :)

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