Chapter seven

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I get a call in the middle of the night from Danny. He wants to know if I will meet his parents as a third date. At first I panicked as I haven't meet a boy's parents before. Then I realise that Danny cared about me and wants to take our relationship to the next level.

In morning I take a quick shower and get ready for Danny to pick me up. He rang 7.00pm to tell me that he can't wait for me to meet his family. I have dressed In my slim trousers and have put on a clean shirt. I have also decided to wear my new Nike trainers as my dolly shoes are trashed.

Danny texts me letting me know that he is down stairs and waiting for me. When I get down there he is standing by his car smiling at me.

"Hey you" he says.

I smile and give him a kiss. He opens my side of the car door and waits for me to get in. He gives me another kiss. He then starts the car. The drive is an hour long and I am twiddling my thumbs during it.

When we do arrive at his parents house I see that there is more then two cars. I hope that Callum isn't here. I would ask Danny but I'm not sure how I can put it without being a wimp.

Once we are inside I feel under dressed but Danny said that I looked beautiful even if I wore a bin bag. When we enter the main house it is absolutely beautiful it has the old fashioned feel about it and you can tell that they aren't short of money.

When we enter the living area there is a man and woman, they both look like they are in their fifties.

"mum, dad this is Ana Young, Ana this is my mum and dad" he says introducing us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ana" Danny's father says.

His mother pulls me into a hug and I'm surprised that she can put her arms around me. She seems nice from what I can tell .

Its nearly 5.00 and Danny and his family are getting ready for dinner. I can barely believe that it's nearly over. Time goes fast.

When we are getting ready to walk into the dining area Danny stops me.

"If this gets too much tell me" he says I wonder what he's talking about.

Then it hits me in the face. Standing right in Front of me is fucking callum. Oh god. I don't know if I can do this.

He nods at me and smiles. What the hell. What if he brings stories up from high school and Danny will see how pathetic I am. I look up at Danny and smile. Tonight might be the last night I see him.

I hate this about myself. Every Time I get a shred of happiness in my life some one comes and destroys it. With me being me I let them because I know deep down that I am unworthy to everyone. I mean my mother doesn't see me anymore, she rings if she needs something or if she needs any money from dad but that's about it. Maybe being with Danny is a huge mistake after all. Why was a born like this. Then I remember every baby is born beautiful, it's what we do now that defines it.

When I sit down opposite Callum and Danny sits down beside me. It is clear that there is tension in the air. Callum doesn't say much just fills my glass with wine. Danny is glaring at him and I wonder if they have fallen out. I hope it's not over what I told him last night. I'm not worth it anyway.

I'm picky with my meal and Danny keeps looking at me. I can see his concern from the corner of my eye. I just rub his knee to reassure him that I am fine.

"So Ana want have you being doing since high school" Callum asks.

"I work" I say.

"Where" oh shit.

"Super store" I say a bit embarrassed.

"Really I though you would have gone into journalism or become a teacher" he says and I just look at him. What the fuck does he know about me.

"Yeah, well that requires confidence and I have zero of that" I say before taking a sip of wine.

"Why's that" he says.

I just sign and Danny changes the subject.

"So dad how is the business going" he asks his father.

"It's going well son, you" he asks with concern.

"Oh Ana, I do love what you've done with your hair" Danny's mother asks me and I thank her for her kindness.

When dinner is over, Danny show me his old bedroom. It is cute. It has blue walls and lots of sports posters up. He has trophies for running and baseball. His bed is up against his wall by the window and his drawers are beside his bed. It's then that I notice that he has lots of pictures up. I look at them. I laugh there is baby photos, aww Danny was a cute baby. There is photos from when he was at school and college. That's when I notice the photo that made me question why we were together. It was a photo of Danny and that blond he is friends with. They were holding each other while posing in front of the camera, I think it was graduation. There are more. There's even an after sex selfie. He's lying in bed with her under his arm, the sheet is covering both their chests but I know that they were naked. She's absolutely beautiful. I look at Danny and I smile he hasn't noticed that I have seen them. I sit down and so does he. That's the kind of woman that deserves this gorgeous man. I know that I can't be in a position like that with him. Hell I'd probably cover the whole photo. They look like one of those royal couples, like brad and angela or Beyoncé and Jay z. I know that I shouldn't bring it up but I have to.

"Whose she" I ask

"Ooh god, I should have taken them down a long time ago. That's Karen she's my ex girlfriend. She's a good friend but I wouldn't go back out with her" he says honestly.

"Did you love her" I ask trying not to sound jealous.

"Yeah I did, but we broke up like three years ago, we were together for four years" he says with a shrug.

"Why did you break up" I ask.

"It just wasn't working out anymore, what about you. Any ex boyfriends that I should know about" he asks.

How do I tell him that I haven't really been in a serious relationship. That most of the time I was pissed and woke up with bigger guys then me.

"Erm, well Lewis you know about, then there's some men that I fooled around with" I said with a smile.

"And who were these men" he asks.

Shit I don't even know there names. On one night stands you don't ask. I don't think I was even conscious when we were doing it. Make them up.

"Jack and David" nice save.

"Hm, and how long were you with jack and David for" like 45 minutes then it was over.

"A couple of months" I say.

"Not giving away much" he says.

"There's really nothing to tell" I say.

When the time comes that I have to go home Danny asks if I'll join him and a few of his mates at his place tomorrow and I'm nervous. What if Karen's there. How can I compete with four years. I can't. Karen one, Ana zero.

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