Chapter 33: Encounter

Start from the beginning

Summoning every ounce of strength, Hunter broke down the door, its splintered remains crashing to the ground. The cool night breeze brushed against his battered body, mingling with the searing pain of his wounds. His grip on Amanda tightened as he turned to face her.

"Do you trust me?" he asked, his voice filled with urgency.

Amanda looked into Hunter's eyes, her own filled with determination and unwavering faith. "Yes," she answered without hesitation, her voice unwavering.

Hunter couldn't help but smile, a mixture of pride and gratitude filling his heart. "My girlfriend is really brave, huh? I'm so proud... Once this is over, I'd like to hear your confession again. I blacked out halfway through the first time," he joked, attempting to lighten the tension that hung heavy in the air.

Amanda chuckled, her laughter a brief respite from the looming danger. "Deal," she replied, tighten her grip on his hand.

With renewed spirits, they started running deeper into the woods, guided by the pale glow of the moonlight. Grateful for its illumination, they navigated through the labyrinth of trees, their senses heightened and their instincts on high alert.

As they continued their desperate escape, the sound of breaking twigs reached their ears, signaling the presence of someone nearby. Hunter released Amanda's hand, silently instructing her to stay put, and stealthily made his way toward the source of the noise. It turned out to be one of Belvis' men, lurking in the shadows.

Hunter approached the man from behind, swiftly wrapping his arm around his neck in a chokehold. But the man fought back ferociously, delivering a powerful elbow strike to Hunter's ribs. The blow caused Hunter to release his grip, momentarily staggering in pain.

Regaining his footing, Hunter stood tall, his eyes fixed on the determined assailant. With lightning reflexes, he expertly blocked the next punch aimed at him, determined not to let the man overpower him. In a split second, Hunter seized the opportunity and lunged for the man's gun, initiating a desperate struggle for control.

Amidst the chaos, a gunshot suddenly pierced the air, the result of an accidental discharge. No one was hit, but the sound reverberated through the forest, alerting any potential threats to their presence.

Seizing the moment, Hunter swiftly and decisively incapacitated the man, twisting his neck until his head spun completely around. The threat neutralized, Hunter turned his attention back to Amanda, the intensity of their situation etched on his face.

" we need to go," Hunter urgently suggested, feeling the weight of the situation pressing upon them.

He tightly held Amanda's hand as they continued running deeper into the woods. However, Amanda's stamina began to wane, and she eventually let go of his hand, panting heavily.

"I can't," she stated between breaths, her voice filled with exhaustion.

Concern etched across his face, Hunter asked, "Kitten, what's wrong?"

"I can't... I'm tired, Hunter. I can't keep running. My lungs are going to explode," she complained, her fatigue becoming overwhelming.

Determined to protect her, Hunter suggested, "My love, we can't stay here. Alright, let me carry you on my back."

Amanda hesitated, worry etched on her face. "You're wounded. How could you even suggest that? I'll be okay. Just go. I'll catch up," she assured him, her voice laced with determination.

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