Chapter 5 : Movies

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There was an unexpected knock on the door, jolting me from my focused studying. The knock echoed once more, urging me to investigate.

Without a care for my pajama-clad appearance, I rose from the floor and approached the door. I swung it open to find Hunter standing there, clutching a bag in his hand.

"Good afternoon," he greeted, his voice warm.

"You actually came? I was only teasing when I texted you about craving snacks," I blurted out, a hint of disbelief in my tone.

Several weeks passed by, and that night, after Hunter dropped me off, a lingering sense of suspicion consumed me. As if he had anticipated my questions, he effortlessly provided answers the next day. His explanations were meticulous, leaving no room for doubt. Any lingering uncertainty vanished without a trace.

From that point on, our relationship returned to its familiar rhythm. We began to grow closer. Through our conversations, I discovered Hunter's straightforward nature. He fearlessly expressed his thoughts, never hesitating to speak his mind.

Even after completing and submitting the assignment, our meetings continued, both in person and over the phone. We spent ample time together, yet Hunter remained a mystery, carefully selecting his words, never divulging too much.

Naturally, after Hunter mentioned being a CEO, I couldn't resist the urge to look him up online. And boy, was I astounded by what I discovered. His company had achieved remarkable success, boasting numerous branches across multiple locations. The prices associated with his ventures were no laughing matter.

Since he didn't readily divulge much about himself when asked, I succumbed to curiosity and conducted an online search. I knew it was intrusive, but my fascination got the better of me. Unfortunately, my search yielded little to no personal information about him, despite his appearances in various magazines.

However, I did manage to uncover a few details. Hunter was a mere 26 years old. He had been adopted by the Craver family, and tragically, his adoptive father had taken his own life when Hunter was around 16, leaving his fortune to him. Although his adoptive mother and sister were still alive, they had seemingly severed ties with Hunter. At the age of 16, he, along with Zack, founded H&Z.

"I understand, but I thought it would be a perfect excuse to see you," he responded, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What's the need for an excuse? You don't have to come up with one to see me. Come in," I welcomed, stepping aside.

He entered, and I took the bag from his hand. It contained an assortment of junk food and soda.

"You bought a lot again. In return, I'll cook a steak. That's your favorite, right?" I asked.

"Not really. I just enjoy the food you make," he replied, settling onto the sofa.

"You always give such vague answers. Sometimes, I feel like I know nothing about you, whereas you seem to remember a lot about me," I murmured under my breath, though I suspect he heard.

"I simply don't have a particular food that I would call my favorite. I have foods that I like and foods that I don't," he responded.

I sighed but chose not to reply.

Taking a seat myself, he said, "Considering it's your favorite, I thought you'd start munching right away."

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