Chapter 87:The Interview

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♥ Amanda's POV♥

I quickly got dressed then walked out of my bathroom and almost screamed in shock when I found hunter at the door staring at me.

"Hunter don't do that, at least try to be discreet in your stalking" I scolded.

" You ready for work," he asked.

Although I was yet to graduate, I decided to work in the company as an intern, no one apart from the family knew I was the new owner, they all reported to the acting president Hunter had hired to help me. I had been working at the company for two weeks and Zack and Hunter had been 'supportive'

On my first day, they drove me to work, decorated my office, and practically threatened everyone on making things difficult for me which was embarrassing because of that people at the office thought I was some spoiled brat but everyone was friendly for the first few seconds I started work.

In all honesty, I didn't want to work at that company anymore, even though things were settled my family still talked about how I started depending too much on Hunter to do everything for me.

I wanted to work hard and find a Job on my own to prove to my parents that I go also do it without my boyfriend bribing people or pointing a gun to their heads, But even if I did say I'd look for another job, I'm sure he would have worked out a plan to favor me.

I don't have to say much about Talia, Zack, and Hunter dealt with her, it still hurt every time I thought about what she did to me. Hunter presented her head to me as a peace offering to prove his love or something.

"Yes, I'm ready just missing breakfast" I stated.

"We have an interview today about our wedding, the media has been on my ass bugging me so be sure you're free" he ordered.

"Do we have to do it today, I'm really busy today. I just started work so I'm not used to everything"I complained.

"This is important, the magazine what's to do an exclusive interview about our big day. Just get someone to handle your work while you are gone" he ordered.

"OK, I'll see what I can do" I agreed.

Even though we were having that interview then, Hunter and I decided to postpone the wedding for a while.

We both walked downstairs where my family was having breakfast

"Oh there's the lovely couple, come sit" Mom ordered.

"Uh Amanda and I need to go, I'll buy breakfast for her on the way" Hunter declared.

Without lasting a moment more, we walked out of the house and got in his car. He drove for about ten minutes when my stomach started to ache. I tried keeping up a face but it just hurt so much.

I started shifting on the couch looking for a comfortable position. I turned the other way as tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"My love you should just call me when you are done with work and I'll come to pick you up" Hunter ordered.

"Yes," I agreed quickly then placed a hand on my mouth to help me not scream.

"My love what's wrong," he asked taking a glimpse of me.

"Nothing" I replied.

He suddenly parked the car near a gas station.

"Why are you crying, what hurts," he asked.

"My lower abdomen hurts a lot" I cried.

"Wait I have just the thing to help " he replied then took out some pills and a towel from the glove compartment.

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