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Hey guys..... Or should I start it as Dear reader(s), anyway whoever gives a darn about this book. I want to take this time to thank you guys for your support.

I know my older readers if any have noticed changes and differences, I wanted this book to be a bit different from the original but I don't know if the change was welcomed or not.

Anyway either way thank you guys for taking the time to give this book a chance, thank you for taking the time to actually click on it. You guys have no idea how much I appreciate it, and how much I love seeing that more and more people are viewing my book, it seems unreal even now.

Let me not talk too much about all that, I decided to be putting up this question and answer every after a couple of chapters to get to know if the story is still interesting or not.

It's just a few questions and totally optional, if you're not up for taking a short survey please just skip it, it's fine.

OK so here we go

1. How are you liking the story so far?

2. What do you think of the main characters( Amanda, hunter, and Zack)

3. How is the pace of the story, are things moving too fast or are they going at a normal pace?

4. Is there any character(s) you hate or dislike?

5. Do you have a favorite chapter(s), if yes which one(s)?

6. What's your take on Hunter's and Amanda's relationship?

7. Is there any character(s) you love or like?

8. What's your take on Hunter and Zack's friendship?

9. What's your take on Zack and Amanda's friendship?

10. Is there anything special you guys would wish to read in the book?

Once again thank you and I hope to hear from your guys.

Peace ✌

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