Chapter 77:𝑲𝒊𝒓𝒂

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☠︎︎𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 ☠︎︎

"Here is your coffee," Amanda said placing a cup on my desk.

I held her hand and then placed a kiss on her palms.

"My love are you alright," I asked.

She yanked her hand away from me. After my outburst, I left the office to go and take a break somewhere quiet.


"I'm fine, Zack stayed with me, at least he didn't ditch me to run after his ex," he remarked.

"What?? —uh What?, you think I ran after that woman when I left" I inquired.

She turned away from me. I stood up and then held both her hands.

"You know what that woman did to me, I would never run after her. My love, I wouldn't dare think of leaving you" I assured.

"But she's your first love and when she walked in I actually saw you smiling. Are you happy she is back in your life, if I knew she was your ex I wouldn't have ever befriended her, I feel so dumb right now" she declared as tears started spilling from her eyes.

"Who has been feeding you that nonsense, first of all, I never loved Kira. Thinking back our relationship was only ever physical, I was young and gave into lust but that was definitely not love. You are my first" I assured planting a kiss on her forehead.

She wrapped her hands around me holding me tightly.

"Tell me you love me" she ordered.

"I love you my beautiful Amanda, only you".

" Will you ever leave me for her "

"Of course not"

"You really don't have any feelings for her," she asked.

For some reason, I paused for a moment before replying

"No, I don't" I replied.

She pulled away from me.

"You paused" she worded.

Before I could reply Zack walked in.

"I'm sorry but we have some papers we need to sign" Zack apologized.

"It's fine, I have to go anyway" Amanda replied then started walking towards the door.

"Amanda" I called. She stopped walking.

"I love you," I said.

She turned to me for a second and smiled before exiting. Zack took a seat and I followed suit.

"We have a lot more clients this quota, we will need to have a meeting with the material supplier because we might need to order double this time" he explained.

"You are not going to ask me about Kira?" I asked.

"That's pointless, it's not like you will even tell me the truth, it's better to avoid unnecessary fights. It looks like you already have enough to deal with as it is" he commented.

"You also think I have feelings for her," I asked.

"Do you?" he asked.

I laughed.

"If I say yes what then," I asked.

"As a person who cares deeply for you and will never allow you to ruin your life with a whore like that woman I'd end her of course. I like Amanda for you" he explained.

"I'll be meeting up with Kira in a few hours" I declared.

His eyes widened for a moment.

"Are being for real right now. You are leaving behind a woman you had to go through so much to get for a woman who is still up to this day sleeping with your father" he asked.

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