Chapter 103: A World Without

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Third person POV

Zack stepped out of the ICU ward after making sure Amanda was asleep. He took out his phone and found a lot of missed calls from Brian and Steve. He smiled thinking what was awaiting was good news.

He was about to call one of them when Brian appeared in front of him.

Brian's injuries were not that serious, the only major issue was the internal injuries he got, aside from that, the injury on his eye and leg were just flesh wounds that didn't affect him much.

"Brian where is Hunter, did you admit him already," Zack asked.

Brian dropped to his knees ignoring the pain from his injuries, he clenched his fists.

"I'm sorry sir, I failed both you and Mr. Hunter. The search has been going on the four days straight, we've searched the area, we even extended to surrounding areas, we've been to all the hospitals and police stations but there is still no sign of him, I'm sorry sir but it seems his body was completely burnt in the fire or he was crushed or drowned by the strong current"Brian declared.

Tears were dripping from his eyes as he explained the situation. People passing through the halls stared in confusion.

" what do you mean by that "Zack asked.

" I'm sorry sir but it seems Mr. Hunter is already dead "Brian spoke clearly.

Zack felt his chest tighten. He could feel anger building up inside him. He punched brian hard.

"Who told you to stop the search "Zack boomed.

" sir you can hit me all you want if it makes you feel better. I deserve it because I wasn't able to protect him "brian replied keeping his gaze on the floor.

"How dare you, speak such words in front of me. Hunter is alive, if you dare say such things about him, I'll cut that fucking tongue and feed it to you "he warned.

Brian kept quiet. Zack stomped away and then found his way to the parking lot, he was fuming with rage.

He got into his car and drove to Steve's workplace, the place was booming with people. With his jaw fits clenched he walked through the hallway, the people he passed by moved aside as they saw the murderous look on Zack's face.

Reaching Steve's office he burst through the doors. Steve was in the middle of a meeting when Zack walked in. The people in the room shared a look upon noticing a face they never thought would be connected to Steve.

"Who in the world told you to call off the search "Zack boomed not caring who was listening.

"calm down first-excuse me ladies and gentlemen "Steve stated.

He got out of his seat and ushered Zack to the breakroom. As soon as Steve turned to face Zack, he was immediately greeted with a hard punch.

"Who in the world gave you the right to stop the search huh, "Zack asked. His eyes were almost bulging out of their sockets, and the veins on his neck were bulging.

" Zack, listen calm down -"

"I'm fucking calm so answer, who gave you the right to cancel the search" Zack boomed.

Steve clenched his fits.

"It's been 4 days, we've searched for him day and night without rest, . Our search even went beyond the accident sight, Zack, hunter is nowhere to be found, there is no trace of him, the most logical explanation is that he's de-" Steve explained staring at Zack dead in the eyes but he stopped

"You say he's dead but why haven't you produced a body yet? Why are you so sure he's dead when no one has seen his dead body? I don't care what you think as long as I've not given my world, you can't stop" Zack boomed.

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