Chapter 92: Bait

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♣ Hunter's POV♣

I sat down on the bed holding a photo of Amanda, I missed her so much. I just felt like going back to the city or just calling her to hear her voice. It has been two days since I left them I got in contact with Steve and everything was going on OK although Zack didn't like the idea of being indoors.

I was very far away from the city. Justin was currently in one of his brunches and the plan was simple enough, I wanted to get his attention and let him know I was closer to him than he thought.

I was staying in a small house I bought back when I just started working it was a two-roomed apartment, and not even Zack knew about it. It was cozy, if anything it was too small but it had to do I wasn't even planning on staying long.

I hadn't forgotten about Amanda's case at all, in fact, I was collecting evidence I had almost gathered enough evidence I was just missing a few components but I already had someone helping with that.

Just then my phone started ringing. I picked up.

"Boss, they have a shipment of drugs in the country costing 100 million at the bay tonight in an hour. If you want to get his attention that would be the best place to strike" he explained.

"Good job Brian, just make sure Justin or his son gets word of what I did immediately after I leave. What about the bombs are they ready" I asked.

"No only a few are left and I'll start placing them everywhere in the buildings but Justin doesn't stay here for long so we'll have a bit of a problem" he complained.

" don't worry I'll give him a reason to be there on that day "I assured then hang up.

I placed Amanda's photo on the bed then walked to the wardrobe then opened it. I used to work as a hitman for Mr. Craver when he adopted me so I had a wardrobe with all of the spy stuff, disguises, weapons, and more weapons. Like 87 percent of the apartment had secret places I hide my weapons.

I searched for a fitting disguise and just settled in for a normal black t-shirt and jeans. I picked out a backpack then picked out two pistols, I made sure they were loaded and then put them at my back. I also picked out a few guns and tossed them in my backpack.

I walked out the door and then went to my bike. I missed the thrill hunting brought, I wanted to end the drama very soon so I could avenge my mother and put a stop to Justin once and for all.

I got on my bike, but on a mask to cover my face then started riding it down the road. I took a sharp turn and then increased the speed as I joined the main road. I didn't have my helmet on so the wind was blowing in my hair.

I drove for about 45 minutes till I finally arrived at the bay. It wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be. I parked my bike somewhere hidden and then started looking around. I could hear a ship approaching the docks. I was hiding near one of the warehouses, the place smelled like fish.

Two white vans arrived and out came a bunch of guards.

"Secure the area" one of them ordered. Everyone started going their ways.

I smiled to myself and then started walking away. I sneaked behind one of the men then twisted his head in a quick action breaking his neck.

I dragged him behind the main warehouse. I took his clothes and then went to the other guards checking the place out.

"Hey you. did you check out the back" I'm guessing the one who was in charge asked.

"Yes, the area is clear" I agreed pulling my cap down so they could see my face.

"Good go help out the men over there, make sure those trucks are loaded with the goods, make sure the boss's special briefcases are loaded first" he ordered.

Obsession Of A Psychopath ☠︎︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora