Chapter 89:Blue

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♥ Amanda's POV♥

I parked my car then got into the hotel. Blue texted me and said she was in a hotel room resting.

I got into the elevator and then pressed the button to the 4th floor. My heart was pounding, I had a weird feeling something wasn't right.

When the elevator doors opened, my heartbeat tripled. What was happening to me, could it have been that something bad happened? I asked myself as I looked around for the room blue told me she was in.

When I found the room, the door was slightly unlocked. I slowly entered the room and I swear my heart skipped a beat when I saw my little sister laying in a pool of blood.

My eyes widened as I ran to her. She had a gun in her hand and a gunshot wound on her stomach. In shock, I quickly took the gun from her hand and then threw it away. Her chest rose and fell sharply and she was gasping for air.

"Blue, no, no" I stated.

I pressed my hand on her wound to stop the bleeding. She slowly opened her eyes and then opened her mouth to say something.

"Don't talk, save your breath" I ordered.

I took out my phone then called the hospital.

"What's your emergency," a lady asked.

"My sister has been shot in the abdomen please send help she's lost a lot of blood, I'm in a hotel room uh the hotel near Stan's casino I'm in room 491" I explained As I cried.

"OK, help is on the way, press a cloth on the wound to stop the bleeding" she advised then hang up.

"Amanda" blue called cupping my cheek with her bloody hands.

"Blue don't worry help is on the way" I cried trying to calm myself and stay strong.

"Amanda. Hunter-" she started but screamed out in pain.

"Blue don't talk, just breathe the ambulance will be here in a few minutes" I stated. She put up her hand and I held it.

"Hunter" she called.

"What has Hunter done, blue who did this to you was it, Hunter," I asked, my tears started dripping on her hand.

"Amanda Hunter is in danger, they want to kill him" she stated.

"What who blue, tell me who did this to you and how is this related to Hunter"I asked. She started crying in pain again. I pressed my hand harder on her stomach, the bleeding wasn't stopping.

" I overheard Hunter's father and his brother talking, they want to kill Hunter, he's the one who shot me. His brother wants you Amanda stay away-" she stated then screamed again.

"Hunter has a brother," I asked myself feeling more confused than I originally was.

"I heard him refer to hunter as his younger brother. They are very dangerous" she warned.

"Shh we'll talk about this at the hospital" I assured.

"Amanda I want you to know you've been the best sister I could ever have" she explained. I shook my head.

"Blue don't say that you'll make it, just hold on" I pleaded crying my eyes out.

"Hunter is in danger Amanda so are you, take care of yourself don't let them win" she ordered.

"Blue please hold on" I pleaded.

"I feel cold Amanda could you hug me," she asked.

I slowly wrapped my hands around her then lifted her slightly holding her tight. She whispered something in my ear.

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