Chapter 85:Breakfast Drama

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♦ Amanda's POV♦

"Amanda why are you dozing at the table," Mom asked, I sat up then rubbed my eyes.

"I'm sorry Mom, I just had trouble sleeping my stomach was giving me problems" I explained.

I kept waking up at night to throw up, the doctor said the acid reflux happened because I hadn't eaten anything all day and I was stressed. He said it would be happening for a few days, it was the side effect of the drug Talia gave me my body couldn't process, at least Zack wasn't having those symptoms.

"Princess are you OK," dad asked.

"Yes daddy I'm fine" I assured.

I felt like something was about to come up my throat so I placed a hand on my mouth. Everyone gave me a strange look, it took a few minutes for me to get rid of the feeling.

"Amanda I heard you throwing up a lot last night when I came to check on you are you OK," blue asked.

"Wait, you've been throwing up, you feel nauseous even now, and you are tired Amanda are you pregnant," Mom asked making me almost choke on my food.

"Amanda is that true, is that why you two want to get married so soon," dad asked.

"What no dad I'm not pregnant" I denied.

"Oh come on sweetheart just tell us we won't be mad after all you are both grown-ups. Does Hunter know, you know you did a good job? Amanda this baby will ensure that Hunter will not leave you, that's how you trap a man and ensure you are set for life, get pregnant for him and you'll control him" Mom went on.

'Is that what you did with dad'

"Mom I don't want to trap Hunter, I don't have to resort to such cheap tactics, Hunter loves me that's why we are getting married and for your information Mom I'm not pregnant, I already went for a check-up, it's just acid reflux" I explained.

" are you OK Amanda "blue asked.

" yes I'll be OK in a few days "I answered.

" what are you waiting for, baby girl you aren't getting any younger-"I abruptly stood up.

"I have to go" I announced then grabbed my bag and stormed out of the house.

I took out my phone and tried calling Hunter but he wasn't picking and neither was Zack. It was their day off what were they even doing, it was too early for them to be killing.

I got into a taxi and went directly to their house, I was still pretty hungry thanks to Mom I didn't eat that much. Sometimes I thought I was more of an ATM than a daughter for her. She saw my relationship with Hunter as her lottery ticket.

Sometimes I really doubted if she was my biological mother, when I was younger I used to think I was a result of dad's unfaithfulness or I was adopted, I even convinced Mandie's uncle who was a doctor to run a DNA test and the results were a bummer, turned out I was her flesh and blood.

When I got to the mansion, I found Luana laying on top of Zack and they were sucking each other's faces off. I frowned I also wanted a morning make out but I couldn't see Hunter.

"Hey, I also have to make out with someone" I commented making them pull away.

Luana got off Zack.

"Hey Amanda" she greeted then gave me a simple peck on the cheek.

"If you want someone to make out with my lips are available. There's more of me to go around" Zack whispered as hugged me.

I laughed.

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