Chapter 40: 𝒁𝒂𝒄𝒌'𝒔 𝑨𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒕

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warning this chapter might contain a bit of sexual content if you are disgusted by such please feel free to just read the first half⚠

Hunter's POV

I stood at the door staring at it. It had been two weeks since I last saw her and I was very excited but at the same time, I was still filled with unanswered questions about her kissing Brandon that I didn't want to ask.

I was about to knock when my phone vibrated. I took it out and found a message.

Zack: don't do anything stupid, I have a meeting out of town with some friends I'll be gone for a few hours till then don't do anything crazy, remember your arm hasn't fully recovered. I'm not kidding Hunter be very careful if you don't want me to lock you up in your room again, you know I will if you force my hands

It read, I sighed sometimes having a friend like Zack was tiring especially when I got injured. He treated me like a fucking baby, it was OK if I did that to him but I hated it when he treated me like that.

I Had not met up with Amanda for two weeks not because I was angry or anything but the day we had our fight, I got ambushed by my father's henchmen while I was at my mother's grave.

I didn't want Amanda to worry or be found out by Justin so I stayed away but my vixen had to stress herself by walking to the company and my place every day, I didn't know about her visits because I was staying at Zack's penthouse. I only found out when the company's guard called me about it.

'I'm so stupid, I've made my Queen suffer for nothing'

I took a deep breath and then rang the doorbell, after a minute or so blue came out. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

"Hunter, you finally came over," she said.

"Yes, is your sister home" I questioned.

"She locked herself up in her room and refused to talk to anyone or to eat. Please just talk to her, I don't know what you two are fighting about but what I know is Amanda really loves you and she's suffering" she explained.

"Where's Amanda," I asked.

"Still in her room" she replied.

I walked passed her and started climbing the flight of stairs. My phone vibrated, I took it out and found a text from Zack again.

Zack: don't ignore me asshole, at least let me know you are breathing.

Me: 😑😑😑

Zack: real mature😕

I put my phone away and then continued to Amanda's room. when I got there I knocked a couple of times but there was no reply.

I turned the knob and luckily it was open. When I got in, I found Amanda curled up on her bed staring at the wall. Her phone's light kept flashing. Someone was probably trying to get in contact with her.

Obsession Of A Psychopath ☠︎︎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt