Chapter 43: 𝑩𝒂𝒓

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❦︎Amanda's POV❦︎

"Bye guys" I waved as I started walking.

I didn't bring a car so I had to walk. The restaurant Zack texted that we should meet up at was about a 10-minute walk so it wasn't that bad.

I was still mad at Hunter for what he did.

I was stuck up in my thoughts I didn't realize someone was walking in my direction, I bumped into that person and then stumbled back.

"Hey sorry did I hurt you," I Asked then stared at the person.

He wasn't alone, he had four other guys walking behind him. He held an intimidating look to him.

"What kind of apology is that, get on your knees and beg, how dare you bump into me" the guy replied.

"Well, you could have just given me the way and let me pass not so," I asked.

"Me, give you way. You must be joking, do you know who we are" he Questioned.

"A couple of assholes who don't give way to a girl as she passes by" I answered.

"You little bitch" one of his friends boomed then grabbed my wrists tightly.

I tried to get out of his hold.

"Let go of me" I screamed.

"Apologize" the guy who was holding me ordered.

"Apologize for what, let go of my hand or I'm going to scream" I threatened.

"Go ahead and try, no one will help you. No one has the balls to stand up to the white diamonds" the one who started all that explained.

I kneed the guy holding me, then got out of his hold. I started running as fast as my legs could carry me.

I could hear their footsteps following after me. I turned into an alley and then hide beside a dumpster.

'How did I find myself in such a situation'

My heart was pounding hard against my chest, I placed a hand on my chest trying to calm down as I had started hyperventilating.

My forehead was sweating, and as thoughts of what they could do to me started to pop up in my head, my heart started beating much faster, I felt like l couldn't breathe. I was so scared, I just wanted to be safe back in Hunter's arms-

'Hunter, I have to call him. He can help me'

I took out my phone from my pocket, my hands were shaking. I started dialing Hunter's line when I heard that guy's voice.

"You know you can't run from us, we will hunt you down and kill you" he stated.

I panicked and dropped my phone. I quickly picked it up but it was too late he had already seen me.

"There you are" he boomed then ruffly grabbed my hair.

"Please let go of me" I pleaded.

He slapped me knocking me onto the dirty ground. He ruffly kicked my side, picked me up again, and slapped me again.

My heart was still pounding and my breathing was still rapid, I started feeling tired. The sudden urge to sleep suddenly came over me as I felt the lack of oxygen.

Using my remaining strength I kicked him off of me and started running for the road, I felt so dizzy and tired. When I got to the road my legs decided to give up on me and I collapsed on the ground.

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