Chapter 69: 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒐

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☠︎Hunters POV ☠︎︎

"My love are already ready for your exam," I asked.

"Yes, I'm just getting my bag" she answered.

"Are you sure you don't want me to be the one to drop you off?" I asked sitting on my bed.

"No, you attract unwanted attention, I don't want any girl starting at you" she declared. She chuckled.

"I have a feeling you've been ignoring me lately" I replied.

There was a pause.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm sitting for my finals of course I'd want to concentrate and you have a very distracting face" she replied.

"It's not my fault I was born this handsome. I miss you, my love, can I come by later tonight when you are done studying" I asked.

"No not today, I'll just visit you when I'm free but, I'll call you when my paper is done and when I get home. We can video call if it makes you feel better" she suggested.

"First Zack, now you too. You two don't want me anymore" I asked.

"WHAT!?, of course, I want you, don't say that and I'm sure Zack misses you as much as you miss him" she assured.

"He's been ignoring me for a couple of weeks, I invited him to a date a couple of days ago but he totally dodged the topic. I don't think he'll ever forgive me"

"Just tell him what he wants to know or the distance between you two will keep on growing. I don't know why he hasn't forgiven you yet, it's unlike Zack to stay angry for this long. Just keep trying I don't like seeing you two fight"

"it feels like he is in another country but he's just a door away-Actually when you are free help me house hunting, my real estate agent sent me a few ideas. Could you help me pick"

"Of course, I don't understand why you have to move though, is that house not comfortable or maybe it's getting too awkward"

"No, the penthouse is great but not that secure so I was thinking about all of us moving to a new house," I explained.

" that's a good idea... Oh my love I have to go now I don't want to be late, love you sending you tons of kisses" she remarked.

"I love you too, good luck. Make me proud"

"Of course, I'll make you very proud just you wait" she declared then hang up.

I sighed then laid on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"I'm bored" I groaned.

My phone started vibrating. I looked at the caller ID and then picked up.

" Brian" I answered.

"Sir, I finalized everything. I'm sorry it took time to dig up much about them and I prepared a full detailed report about the four people you asked me to investigate, should I go to you to hand over the report or should I send it to your email" he asked.

"Where are you right now," I asked.

"Your underground torture house" he replied.

"Wait for me there, I'm on my way" I noted.

"Yes sir" he agreed. I hang up.

I got off the bed, grabbed my keys, and walked out of my room, I walked downstairs and found Zack watching TV. Luana was nowhere in sight.

"I'm going out for a while. I'll be with Brian" I declared.

No reply.

I sighed then continued to the door, I walked out of the door and headed to the elevator.

Obsession Of A Psychopath ☠︎︎Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt