I sigh as I rapidly catch on to his way of thinking. "No. Bunny, remember that I am still on the pill? No actual babies until we talk it out and decide that we are ready to have them I think."

All of the maknae's eyes shine for a moment, while they obviously get lost in that idea. "I don't think any of us have a problem with the idea of having babies with you, Petal. In fact, judging by the maknaes' expressions I think they wouldn't have a problem if you came to us tomorrow and decided to stop taking the pill." I didn't realize it, but he must have been just past the door frame and caught on to the last statement.

"  I didn't realize it, but he must have been just past the door frame and caught on to the last statement

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I shake my head, exceptionally used to him sneaking up on our conversations at this point. "If for some reason I were to get pregnant before we planned to, then we can take a moment to revisit this conversation again. But, honestly I think I want to wait until we have had at least a solid year or two together first." Truthfully there is a part of me mentally on board with not having to wait, but I do think with their careers it would be smarter to try to give us some time and at least somewhat plan out the possibility first. After all, the minute Army found out I was pregnant it would definitely become widespread international news, and we would have to prepare for the stress of how to respond to it or share and deliver the news ourselves.

He nods. "I actually came in to let you know that it is time to say goodbye. The others are all waiting downstairs."

I sigh, but pick up Tannie and climb out of bed. I glance at my phone to check the time and feel a bit better knowing that I won't be alone for long. My sisters and Skai will be coming by in a little over an hour. I also scheduled a video call with Rebecca and Candace later tonight despite the fact that it will be morning there in Chicago. I feel a bit bad at how early it will be, but they assured me that they would be up regardless.

  I feel a bit bad at how early it will be, but they assured me that they would be up regardless

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After we have reached the landing, Joon snags me by the waist as I walk by. He wrestles Tannie away from me, which is pretty easy since the puppers is wanting down anyway, and pushes me against the wall behind me. "Joonie? What is it with you, me, and walls?"

He chuckles. "I honestly don't know. I think most of it is just timing. But, this time I just wanted to make sure I had the chance to give you a proper goodbye." Before I can ask what he means by that his lips are on mine. The kiss honestly doesn't last long, but it was obvious that he made sure to show me exactly how much he would miss me in the few hours we would be parted. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Baby."

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now