She convinced me to let her have time to figure out whether it's truly our Rose or not.

I too thought it's good for me to get to know about her life through my Private investigators.

I made sure Mia reaches the right destination since I found out about Rose's existence.

The address and her staying, I made the required details appear on my table in a snap of fingers and let mia know the correct details.

I know I was being completely impatient now, but Mia said she couldn't' t reach her too after reaching Newyork.

She tried to call her through the information given by her Secretary but her cell is not reachable.

Mia said she would stay back and get to the office tomorrow since they said Rose would be coming to the office tomorrow.

My P.I said he would be delivering me the whole thing by tomorrow evening.

I felt defeated and thought of waiting.

But still, my heart couldn't bear the ache I was having, to have her in my embrace soon and my hands were itching to dial the number which has been provided to me by Mia.

Though she said not to contact I did so.

But as she said it was not reachable.

The next day evening I had in my hands the full history of her after the incident.

P.I stood there, turning pale in front of me and he didn't tell anything and pointed me to the file which made me wonder why he is being like that.

When I opened the file I can see her afterlife.

Her school, friends, and locations.

When I looked at him it looked like he has something to say, so I have given him a wave to go on and say what he has to say.

Sir, "She missed her school for a whole year!"

I was hurt after knowing that she is alive all along and didn't think of me.

Nevertheless, I was keeping my cool thinking of her instances, her family pressures after what happened and it may have become difficult for her to be in the city.

But I still felt like she didn't know anything about my reality because I never told her the truth to keep her safe.

"Then why wouldn't she at least tried to reach me out", Question raised in me.

Still, I pushed that thought aside and tried to feel happy, at least now, after knowing she is alive and that's enough.

"Her being away from school for a year didn't bother me either, thinking about her taking a year off due to the trauma of being in such a big accident"

But the next revelation made my senses blown away.

"She had a baby at her aunt's place and made her entrance back at school after three months sir", He flinched a bit confirming me about that one year.


My mind has been felt electrocuted and I feel the timing odd.

I have asked him the birth date of the baby and that made me go balls out.

He had come near me pulling out the picture of a boy who is near 8 years of age, from the file, showing me and revealing the date.

"He...he...... "

I stammered, after seeing his picture.

He looked exactly like me when I was that age.

He is the spitting image of me except for the eyes.

They were hazel brown like hers.

He hesitated to say the next words when my dark look made him spill out the words.

"Sir, He has been raised as her brother and the child of her parents not letting the world know that he is hers".

I have died at that instant.

He tried to say something but I have dismissed him right away.

" Let me be alone!"

He left the room where I was there sitting in my office room, feeling suffocated.

It felt like the air has been sucked out of me.

I underwent the heat rush through my face and my temper rose in my head.

I stood up from there tried to reach out to the door, I wanted to leave right away to New York.

But I stood stuck at my foot battling to figure out her rationales to take such a big decision of not letting me know of our son.

None of them were comprising enough to my mind.

But one reason keeps on trying to bang at the last door of my brain but I keep shoving it away for the obvious reason of impossibility.

I suffered there, trying to bang my head to the hard door to know the reason, but no purpose could reason with her decision.

The girl he would never get | ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ