14| Surpassing Expectations!

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Hey guys! I'm back. I'm posting this early because today(or tomorrow for some of you guys) is the Chinese New Year, which means it is a holiday which means that I don't get much gadget time.

Well, anyways, I want to first say THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT! This story now has over 6.9k READS and 208 VOTES. Thank you all so much and I hope you continue to enjoy this story.

Well, next up is of submissions. Well, here it is.

* means it's optional

OC: A Rival for Ash
Age^: 15
Pokemon*(Note that the Pokemons will be degraded/deleveled to match Ash's team):
Closing Date: To be added.

Remember that every OC submitted is appreciated by the author. Even if he doesn't pick that OC.

Oh, hey, you're... Uh... Anonymous Llama right?

Nope! My name is Anonymous Quagga!


What? Like, what even is a Quagga?

A Quagga is a subspecie-

Nevermind, I don't want to know.

Well, I think that's all. I hope you all enjoy this story and please, just ignore the annoying Llama or Quagga or whatever he wants to be called.

Excuse me, I'm not annoying and for your  information I'm a she.

How was I supposed to know? You're literally a text.

You just should. Well, I'm out. Cya!

-Anonymous Quagga

I'm guessing that's gonna be a regular occurrence from now on. Hopefully it won't be too annoying. Well, anyway, enjoy the chapter!



Date: Tuesday, April 28th

"Hey Ash, can I ask you a question?" Lillie said to Ash.

Ash turned his attention towards Lillie. The two of them were standing on the beach of Melemele sea. It was still morning and the two of them were there to train, especially Ash.

"Sure," Ash said.

"When Gary visited, he mentioned something about your luck," Lillie started. "We were talking about Tapu Koko so I was wondering whether you've met any other legendary Pokémon before."

Ash chuckled. "I have actually," Ash said. "I don't know why exactly but during every single one of my adventures, I always managed to get involved in some crazy events involving legendaries."

Lillie looked at him in shock. "Really?" She asked.

Ash sat down on the sandy beach. "Yea," Ash said. "It usually involves a Legendary Pokémon and a group of evil people trying to end the world using the Pokémon. That's why I said I would have loved to give my luck away."

Lillie sat down beside him. "Evil people?" Lillie asked. "What happened to them?"

"We managed to stop them," Ash said as he frowned. "Me and my… former traveling companions."

Lillie took his hand in hers. "We're here for you Ash," Lillie said. "Me, Hau, Gary, and your other friends as well."

Ash smiled at her. "Thanks Lillie," Ash said.

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