26| One's Conclusion and Another's Beginning!

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Hello people! I'm back! Somehow managed to be on time for today.

You should learn to do it more often.

Oh really funny. Anyways, sorry for the wait but chapter 26 is finally here! In this chapter, the end of Ash VS Nate and the start of another battle! I'm sure you've all guessed who Ash's final Pokemon is, though you can be sure that Nate himself still has some surprises left in him.

You do know that some of the stuff in here makes no sense right?

Well, I've got two things to say about that. First, Anime/Fanfiction logic. The second is Author's power.

Fair enough.

Anyway, thank you all for the support so far! We're very close to reaching 1000 Votes so we would really appreciate it if you leave a vote on this chapter, though only if you like it of course.

Mhmm, anyway, we should probably get going now.

Yea you're right. Well, Cya all at the end of the chapter! As Anne said, I included some really crazy stuff that doesn't make sense in this chapter but I hope you all enjoy it.


Well, I'm gonna go take a nap for now I guess.

-Anonymous Llama


"Oh no!" Lillie gasped out in surprise as she watched Dartrix fall to the ground after being hit by Horus' Hypnosis a second time.

"This is not looking good for Ash," Dawn commented. She watched Dartrix lose consciousness with a worried glance. "Ash only has one Pokemon left, while Nate has two."


"But there's no way Ash will lose right?" Hau asked.

"Well, if anyone can win in this situation, it's Ash," Dawn said with a smile. "There's no guarantee he'll win but he's not going down without a fight, that's for sure."

"Pip-Plup!" Piplup cheered.

Lillie smiled softly, "Yeah, that's Ash alright."


"Ruff!" Rockruff cheered happily as she appeared on the stage.

"Hmph, at this point you might as well just surrender now," Nate smirked. "Even if you defeat Horus, I still haven't chosen my final Pokemon."

"It's not over 'till it's over! That's how I battle! Rockruff, Rock Throw!" Ash said.


"Fine then," replied Nate. "Horus, dodge."

With a bark, Rockruff conjured rocks around her and sent them flying towards Horus. However, Horus easily flew out of their way.

"Let's wrap this up quickly, Hypnosis!"

"Dodge it Rockruff!"

For the third time in that battle, Horus fired pink waves out of its eyes. The attack was easily avoided by Rockruff, but Nate was expecting that.

"Horus, return!" Nate said as he pointed a Pokeball at Horus. Then, with a flash of red light, Horus disappeared. Nate then pocketed Horus' Pokeball and took out another one.

"Alaska, let's end this!"

Nate threw the Pokeball and it opened with a familiar flash of blue light.


"A... Krabby?" Ash said in surprise. He wasn't expecting to see one all the way here in Alola.

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