7| The Trail of Ilima!

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Hey Guys, Time for another chapter. Now I have an announcement. This story is getting discon- wait hold up! No, no that's wrong. The announcement is that from now on, there would be times where I ask you guys for Oc. I don't want Ash to just meet with widely know characters like Mallow, Lana, etc. I want him to meet new characters and new people. The first Oc is actually Rex, which was created by me. The second is featured in this story and it was made by my friend enneastale. Well, another thing is to thank you for the support! As I am writing this, this story now has 1.6k READS and over 60 VOTES. And thanks to you to all of you who have commented and special thanks to name12443 for the amazing support.

Well, I'm not gonna keep you guys waiting any longer so I'll see you at the end of the chapter.



Date: Monday, April 20th

When Ash woke up the day after the festival, it was almost noon. Ash thought back to the previous night. Ash, along with Lillie and Hau, had wen around the festival doing all kinds of stuff. This ranged from trying out the food and watching the shows there to just sitting down and talking to each other.

The festival was going to go on all night but Ash and Lillie were already tired after a couple of hours. They said goodbye to Hau and went back to Kukui's house. Kukui had already returned and he instantly told them to go to bed. They were already worn out so they didn't object.

Ash looked around as he got up. He saw the Pokémons sleeping and smiled. Rowlet was sleeping on one of the pillows on the couch, with Popplio next to him. Near them was Eevee, who was curled up on the sofa with Nebby sleeping while leaning on him. Rot was sleeping on a charger on one of the shelves. Ash decided to take a bath to start his day.

"Good morning Ash," Kukui said as walked out of the bathroom. Ash turned and saw Kukui making breakfast.

"Morning Professor," Ash said. "Lillie's still asleep?"

"Yeah," Kukui said. "It's not surprising considering that you guys spent the day at Hau'oli and then went straight to the festival"

"Yeah," Ash said. "I'm still kinda tired myself"

They then heard a yawn coming from the direction of the living room. Ash and Kukui turned and saw Lillie walking to them while still in her nightwear, which is a pink pajama.

"Speak of the devil..." Ash muttered to himself. "Morning Lillie," He said to her as he set up the dining table.

"Morning Ash," Lillie said. She then sat down on one of the chairs. Ash then sat down next to her.

"Morning Lillie" Kukui said as he laid down the food on the table. "Looks like yesterday took a toll on you huh?"

Lillie yawned again. "Yeah," She said as she rubbed her eyes.

"In that case then why don't you finish your food and take a shower," Kukui said as he sat down on one of the chairs.

"That sounds like a good idea," Lillie said as she started eating.

Half an hour later, Lillie had already taken a shower and was be fully dressed in her new clothes. The Pokémons are all awake and they are planning on what to do for the day.

"I think you should start working on your Island Challenge," Kukui said.

"I know," Ash said. "But how exactly do I do the Island Challenge? I doubt it's like a normal gym"

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