18| New Island, New Friends!

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Hello everyone! I'm back! Sorry for the delay but I needed time to finish deciding the storyline for the Akala Arc. Anyway, I'm excited about this-hey! What are you?!


Hah! There! That should teach him to not forget about me ever again. Anyway, I'm gonna take over from here. Lemme see... he's excited about Mallow and Lillie, Dawn's returning later, a thank you to all of you for reading cause Holy Heck!

This story has 9,954 READS and 277 VOTES!? Wow. Guess he's not so bad of a writer huh. Tho I still think this is crappy writing.

Anyway, next is the OC Submission is closed, bla bla bla, bla bla bla. There, that's all. So, uhh Enjoy this chapter and all that, cya!

- Anonymous Wolf 


Date: Thursday, April 30th

'Where am I?' Lillie wondered as her eyes fluttered open. She wasn't on her bed which was in her loft. From where she was, she could see a table in front of her, with another table next to the wall adjacent to her. On that table, she could see a TV along with Rotom in his charging station.

'The living room,' Lillie realized. She was about to get up when she heard soft snoring from above her. Only then did she realize that not only her head was on someone's shoulder, but she was cuddling said person. Now fully awake, the events of the previous day suddenly returned to her mind, from Kukui's failure with his boat to waiting for Kukui with Ash...

'Ash!' Lillie thought in surprise. She leaped up from the sofa so hard that she knocked Ash over, her face red with embarrassment.

A groan was heard from the ground next to her. Lillie turned to see Ash getting up. "Where am I?" Ash wondered out loud. He then saw Lillie standing next to him. He noticed that she was staring at him with a surprised look. "Lillie, anything wrong?"

Lillie yelped when she heard Ash say her name. "N-nothing," Lillie said nervously.

Ash stood up beside Lillie. He saw that her face was red. Worried that Lillie might be sick, Ash placed his hand on her forehead. "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Lillie once again yelped, her face turning an even darker shade of red. "N-nothing's wrong!"

"But your face's red," Ash said. "You sure you haven't caught a fever. We did spend a lot of time in the rain yesterday."

"Hey, you two up already?" Kukui called out to them from the kitchen. "I thought I was gonna have to give you a good Wake-Up Slap."

Lillie sighed in relief as she was saved from having to answer.

"Yeah, we're awake," Ash called back to Kukui. "Though I think Lillie might be-"

"Is that dinner I smell?" Lillie interrupted Ash.

Kukui's laughter can be heard even in the living room. A second later, he emerged from the door that connects the living room to the kitchen. "It is food yes," He said. "But I'm afraid that I made breakfast instead of dinner."

Lillie's face once again turned beet red. Without warning, she rushed to her loft before going back down and rushing to the bathroom, clothes in her hands.

"...What just happened?" Ash asked.

Kukui laughed out loud. From the way Lillie was acting, he could easily guess what had happened. He could give Lillie such Torment that she would be forced to Struggle every other second by telling Ash what was going on but eventually decided that she deserves a break.

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