17| Rising Anger!

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Well... It's official. I'm an idiot.

Not that we didn't already know that but what made you realize?


I'll let that slide for now. Well, I finished this chapter yesterday and I freaking forgot to upload it. I feel really bad now cause I said that this chapter would come out yesterday. I'm really sorry guys.

Heh. Typical you.

Shut up. Anyway, because this chapter has already been delayed for nearly 3 weeks, I'm not gonna keep you waiting long. I just have one thing to say:

Thank you all so much for the support. As of the time I'm writing this, this story has-

9.2K READS and over 260 VOTES. Pretty awesome if you ask me. Only 800 views to 10k reads and 40 votes to 300.

Why did you interrupt me?

What? Isn't that my job?

Well, no actually. But cause you asked then from now on, it's your job.


Well, maybe next time you'll think twice before interrupting me.


I hate you. That's it. I'm out.

- Anonymous Axolotl

Well, that's that I guess. Anyway, as I said, this chapter has been delayed for 3 weeks already so I won't keep you here any longer. Without further ado, ENJOY!



Date: Wednesday, April 29th

"Ash, you're back!" Lillie exclaimed when she saw Ash walking towards her.

"Hey, Lillie," Ash greeted her with a smile. Ash noted that the Roggenrolas was nowhere in sight.

Lillie noticed Rockruff next to Ash. "You did it," Lillie said as her smile got larger.

Ash nodded, his smile matching Lillie's. "Yeah," Ash said as he recalled the battle. He remembered how Rockruff had gone into a frenzy, attacking anything in front of her. "And I'm glad I did."

Lillie looked at Rockruff and smiled softly. She then kneeled down in front of Rockruff.

"Hey there Rockruff," Lillie greeted Rockruff. Rockruff, however, jumped in surprise and quickly hid behind Ash's legs.

Lillie frowned. Ash looked at Rockruff and chuckled slightly. He picked Rockruff up in his arms and started rubbing her head.

"It's alright, girl," Ash said. "Lillie's a good friend of mine. She can help you with those injuries."

Rockruff looked at Lillie's hopeful expression and then to Ash. Reluctantly, she leaned in towards Lillie.

Lillie beamed and petted Rockruff's head. She then proceeded to rub her fur.

"Ruff," Rockruff said in pleasure.

"Nice to meet you Rockruff," Lillie said.

"Ruff!" Rockruff responded happily.

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