15| Soaring Determination!

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Hey Guys! I'm back with another chapter and this week it is entirely Ash's Grand Trial. Now, first of all, I would like to apologize for last week. If you somehow didn't notice then the arrangements of Chapter 13 and 14 was out of place for no reason. I managed to fix it but still, I'm sorry about that.

Moving on, I would like to thank all of you!



What are you waiting for?

Well, you, actually. Usually, you would have interrupted me by now.


Yes, really.

Oh alright then. Guess I'll do it. Well, by the time the author is writing this, this story has 7,504 READS and 233 VOTES.

Anne is right! And that's why I want to thank all of you for reading and supporting my story!

Yeah, cause I know for sure that he thought that only around 10-20 people are gonna read this story. So yeah, you guys are awesome! Also, Anne?

Well, you like to change your name but the 'Anonymous' remains the same, so Anne. And I'm pretty sure you're a girl. Also, what is your name now?

That's true I guess. And I am a girl. And My name is Anonymous Armadilo.

Yeah, anyway, once again, lemme give you all a big thank you for all of your supports!

Next thing is the OC Submissions. I'm honestly surprised that very few people submitted an oc. Well, it's you choice I guess, but remember that every single submission is heavily appreciated.

* means it's optional

OC: A Rival for Ash
Age: 15
Pokemon*(Note that the Pokemons will be degraded/deleveled to match Ash's team):
Closing Date: To be added.

Well, anyway, I'm not gonna keep you here any longer so, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Yeah, and its still just battles, but enjoy!

-Anonymous Armadillo


Date: Tuesday, April 28th

"The Grand Trial of Ash Ketchum shall now commence," Professor Kukui said as he started reciting the rules of the Grand Trial.

Ash tuned him out as he fumbled with his Pokeballs. He had already memorized it from Hau's battle. He looked across the stage to see Hala standing in his Trainer Box. Ash didn't know what Pokémon Hala would use, and it made him nervous.

Ash still hasn't decided on which Pokémon to send out first. Rowlet would have the upper hand with his flying-type attacks while Eevee would be at a disadvantage because of his normal-typing.

"Are both trainers ready?" Ash focused back on Kukui. He saw Hala nod at Kukui before Kukui turned towards him.

"I'm ready," Ash said.

Kukui nodded in approval before he continued talking. "Now, on the count of three, both trainers please send out your Pokémon," Kukui said. "One "

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