2| Vee? Eevee!

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So, I don't have much to say, but here it is.

First, thank you to everyone who actually took the time to read this. Second of all, I changed a lot of stuff in the first chapter, so read that if you haven't. Third, I don't own Pokémon or any of its characters and everything in its franchise.



Date: Wednesday, April 8th

"So Alola is made out of four islands". Ash said to himself as he walked out of the Pokemon Centre. It didn't take long for Ash to get to Viridian City, but he decided to spend one or two days at the Pokemon Centre to decide where he's going. Fortunately, with the Rotom Phone, he could easily look for information about the other regions. He's already looked up information about Galar but it was too much like the other regions he's been to. He wanted something new and it seemed like Alola is the place that could offer that. There is one problem. Alola doesn't have a pokemon league. He wanted to prove himself but he can't do that without a pokemon league. There was the Torren region but apparently, there were a lot of cultists there.

Ash sighed as he decided to take a walk around Viridian to clear his mind. He knew that Galar would be the obvious choice with how popular Pokemon Battling is there, but it didn't felt right. Maybe it's just his imagination or maybe it's something else, but he felt a strange pull towards Alola. It felt as if he was supposed to be there. Like he could find the solution to all of his problems by going there. This confused him. But a voice interrupted him before he could think about it further.

"YOU'RE USELESS!" The voice shouted. Ash turned his head and saw a green-haired boy who seemed to be a 13-year-old yelling at an Eevee who looked scared. "First you refused to evolve! and then you couldn't even get stronger! and now you cost me my gym battle!". The boy shouted he was about to kick Eevee but Ash interrupted him.

"HEY!". Ash shouted as he ran towards them. He stopped in between the boy and Eevee. "What your problem!?" Ash asked the boy who was now glaring at him angrily.

"That Eevee is WEAK! He's the reason I lost my gym battle and I'm just punishing him accordingly". The green-haired boy shouted.

Ash narrowed his eyes at the boy. "If you lost then it's no one's but your fault". Ash said. Ash absolutely despised people like him. This isn't the first time he's had experience with this. Paul was the same but he changed after he lost to Ash in the Lily of the Valley Conference.

"My fault?". The boy asked. "How is it my fault when that Eevee is the one who's weak! He even refused to evolve!". The boy said.

"It's your job as a trainer to train your Pokemon. They rely on you as much as you rely on them". Ash said through gritted teeth. The boy was starting to get on his nerves.

The boy just laughs at what he said. "Heh. Whatever. If you think like that then you're just aa weak as that worthless Eevee". He said before taking out a Pokeball. He dropped the Pokeball to the ground before crushing it with his feet. "I don't need a weak Pokemon". He said before turning around to walk away.

"HEY!". Ash yelled. He was really pissed off. How dare the boy just do that as if it was nothing. "If you really think Eevee is weak than prove it. Me and Eevee against you and your strongest pokemon". I said without thinking.

The boy turned around and looked at me with an amused expression. "Fine. If you want to be embarrassed that badly then who am I to stop you. The public arena at the Pokemon Centre tomorrow at 3 pm". He said before walking away. He suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at Ash. "My name is Vir(A/N: I'm not good with names) by the way, just remember that that's the name of the person who's going to crush you". He laughed before walking away.

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