23| The Gift called The Present!

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Hey, guys naa here. Yes, I'm back. Umm, SURPRISE! I guess? No? Okay.

Anyway! First of all, I'm sure that you all hate me. or maybe you've already forgotten I existed. I don't blame you for either of which but unfortunately, you will prob hate me even more.

Alright. Do you remember the competition I told you about? Well, through some kind of miracle, I passed the first round. And the second round will be in the first week of August, which is two weeks from now...

Wait, you passed!?

Yes, Anne, I did. This means that I will have another week-long intensive study session thing at the last week of August and next week I doubt I will have time to write because it's yet another holiday week where I will visit my other families.

How on earth did you manage to get three weeks of different events?

I don't know, blame my school or something but that's why guys, I'm sorry but this Hiatus will go on even longer. How long? Well, most likely it will be just until this August but if I somehow through some miracle actually pass the second round, then this hiatus will go on for another 2 months until September at the earliest.

Wow. That kinda sucks you know.

Yes. Now shut up. Again I'm really sorry but that's the situation.

Now moving on. For these people that I list under here, thank you for submitting your OCs! I really appreciate it and I can't wait to write them! Now, as for the people, well here they are:

A person who can't say their username

Wait, what's with the last one?

Honestly, did you even read the sheet I gave you?

Wait, s***?

NO! S-H-E-E-T, sheet! Don't curse in this book! Although maybe I should start giving you the other one.

Gee calm down.

Anyway! That's all-

Wait up!

What is it?

Oh, I'm sure you're gonna be surprised but get this. As of at the time I'm writing this, this story now has 21,374 READS and 570 VOTES.

HOLY HECK! That's without the A/Ns?

Yes, I've deleted those already, and before you ask, I've already copied the OCs on there to the sh**, I mean, sheet.

Wow. That's amazing! You guys are incredible! Thank you so much! This means a lot to me. I swear that last chapter we were still around 12-13k reads.

Again, thanks a lot, and enjoy the chapter!


-Anonymous Kangaroo


"I can do this," Lillie quietly muttered to herself as she walked up on stage. Looking across from her, she saw her opponent, Zayn Diaz. The dark-skinned teenager appeared to be around the same age as her. He was wearing a plain red shirt and a pair of black shorts.

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