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That's right! I am, in fact , NOT dead!

I know it's been way too long since my last upload, and I deeply apologize.

Now, on the matter of this story.

These past few months I've gotten the chance to look back at it... and I gotta say I'm not satisfied with it. Despite having a clear goal, I truly didn't get the finer details done right.

For some characters, mainly Ash, my intention for their character growth changed midway through writing this.

For others, like Lillie, I had a clear goal of where to take their character but I executed them poorly.

And a couple of characters, which are Hau and Aurelia, I didn't even have a clear goal for them.

Of course, this is all on top of a lot of other stuff, such as changes in the story itself, or inconsistent writing.

Now the big question is, what's gonna happen to this story? To put it simply, nothing.

To clarify, this story will remain up, but I won't be updating *this* one anymore. 

Instead I'm working on a, that's right, REWRITE!

Pokemon: Turnabout is being written right now. I am taking a break from planning it out completely as I am writing this lol.

When will it come out? I'm hoping on May at the earliest. I have college preparations on top of other personal stuff, so it's gonna take time. On top of that I want to have written at least 5 chapters before uploading it. Best case scenario, I get 10 chapters written before May ends and start uploading immediately.

With that said, I honestly wouldn't mind any help lol.

Well, if you ever decide to take on my joke of an invitation, or if you just wanna talk to me, you can find me on my discord server:


And of course, thank you all for all the support. I know for a fact that if it weren't for you guys I wouldn't have continued this at all. That's why it means so much to me.

Thank you for reading this! And hopefully I'll see you all in May tho it's more than likely gonna be June...

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