24| Lunch Talks, and A Familiar Face!

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I'M FINALLY BACK! (Hopefully for real this time)

Okay, first things first, I apologize for how long it takes for me to publish this chapter. My life has gotten way busier than when I first started. I had not only the competition to worry about, but also my end-of-term exams, projects for said end-of-term exams, and more. I ended up feeling stressed and I needed time to myself after all that. I tried to write this chapter, I really did, but I just couldn't handle seeing so many words on screen jumbled together after everything. And that's not even counting the research I have to do to make sure the chapter is good. I just stopped halfway and took some time to myself and thanks to that, I am now feeling much better!

I do, however, have an announcement about this story going forwards. You see, during the hiatus, I thought about it and decided that having personal time is important, and since my life has gotten a lot busier that means I have way less free time. I do like writing this story but as I've said, I can't stand seeing words for hours on end. That's why from now on, the chapters will only be at least 2000 words long. And I'll try to get new chapters weekly but sometimes they might only be uploaded once every two weeks.

Well other than that, I can say for sure that the next chapter will not come next Friday, but the week after. The next two weeks are gonna be particularly busy for me so I have less time to write.

Anyways, that's all. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Cya all at the end of the chapter!



"So, Lillie... what was that back there?"

"W-what was what?" Lillie, cheeks burned red from embarrassment, picked up her pace as she tried to wave off Dawn's questioning.

"You know what I'm talking about!" Dawn said as she also started walking fas"The way you acted back there was so out of character for you!"

"I- I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Really, Lillie? Are you really gonna do that?" Dawn raised an eyebrow as she looked at Lillie.

"You know, I agree with Dawn on this one," Hau chimed in. "That wasn't something that you can just ignore."

"I- I was-"

"I think it was pretty cool," Ash suddenly voiced his opinion. "I don't think that guy was a bad person, but he definitely needed someone to knock him back to reality, and the way you did it was amazing!"

"You really think so?" Lillie asked quietly, her cheeks turning to an even deeper shade of red.

"Yeah!" Ash replied cheerfully. "Sure, it was surprising to see you get all worked up like that but that just shows how much you care about your Pokémon and your friends! And the way you pulled off that Z-Move? It was really amazing!"

"T-thank you, Ash," Lillie said shyly.

"Seriously Lillie, you need to have more confidence!" Dawn exclaimed. "If you can be as confident as you were back there then you'll totally look really cool! I won't even be surprised if you managed to be famous that way!"

"I-I'm working on it alright!" Lillie snapped at Dawn. "I'm not used to interacting with people and it took me a month to learn just the basics from Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet," Lillie finished with a huff.

"Besides, how come we're just talking about my battle? How about Ash and Hau's battle?" Lillie asked.

Dawn shrugged. "Their battle wasn't that interesting compared to yours."

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