6| A Full Force Festival Battle!

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Hey, guys! It's time for another chapter. This chapter was definitely a lot of fun to write. You'll get to see how the life at Professor Kukui's lab is, then there's a little bit of Aureliashipping moment and of course, a battle between Ash and Hau.

Well, anyway, I want to thank you guys for the support because this story has finally passed the 1K reads! As I'm writing this, this story now has 1.2K READS and 49 VOTES. Wow! You have no idea how happy I am that you enjoyed my story. And because of that, I'm not gonna hold you back any longer and I'll let you get on to the chapter.


P.S. I guess you can use the song above for the festival song


Date: Sunday, April 19th

It was a bright, calm day in Melemele Island. The beautiful melody of the waves and the gentle breeze of the sea could be heard throughout the island, bringing peace to everyone on the island who were going through their daily routines. However, at the southeastern coast of the island, one person has not woken up yet, even though it is a very important day for him.

"Ash, WAKE UP!" Lillie yelled. It was almost noon yet Ash had not woken up yet. Professor Kukui told her to wake him up but one doesn't wake Ash up easily. Especially not on important days. She had been trying to help him up for almost an hour but nothing works and she started getting really frustrated.

Ash jolted awake when he heard Lillie's scream. He turned and saw Lillie standing there with a frustrated look on her face, something that she doesn't do a lot.

"Now you're awake?" Lillie asked.

"Y-Yeah," Ash said nervously. "I'm awake" Lillie was a very introverted person. She rarely talks in public and usually in a nervous tone. However, she's a lot more outgoing with people she trusts, but even then she rarely ever gets angry. But if she does get angry then you really don't want to be on the receiving end of her anger.

Lillie looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Did you forget what day today is?" She said.

"Today?" Ash asked in confusion. His eyes widened as he realized what she meant. "The Festival!" He yelled in realization. He rushed to the window and saw that it was already a little bit afternoon. Ash let out a relieved sigh. The battle between him and Hau was planned for the night, so he's still got a lot of time.

Ash turned around and saw that Lillie had already gone to help Professor Kukui prepare lunch. With nothing else to do, Ash took some clothes and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. He came out 5 minutes later wearing the clothes that he bought when he came to Alola.

"Hey Lillie, thanks for waking me up," Ash said as he went to help Lillie set up the table.

Lillie sighed. "It's alright Ash," She said. "But next time you shouldn't stay up late training like that. I get that you want to beat Hau but you need rest too you know. And not just you, your pokemon too" She turned toward the living room where the Pokemons were playing as she said the last part.

Ash followed her line of sight and nodded. "Yeah, you're right," He said. "I promise I won't overdo it next time" He smiled towards Lillie.

Lillie returned his smile as she picked up a sack of bowl and set them up on the ground next to the dining table.

Ash took the Pokémon treats and Pokebeans from the shelf and distributed them to the bowls.

"Alright guys, it's lunchtime!" Ash called out to the Pokemon. The Pokemons all stopped what they were doing and looked towards them. Rowlet flew to where the food was right away with Popplio following behind him. Eevee then followed them with Nebby floating next to him.

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