28| Going All Out!

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I'm back! This chapter took slightly longer to write but I did say that it might come out today if things didn't go too well, so I'll just say I met the deadline.

I mean, that's fair I suppose.

Anyway, as usual, I am at school so I've gotta make this quick. Thanks for all your support. We've reached over 900 Votes and nearly 40k views. I hope you all continue to enjoy this story and I'll keep on trying my best to get better at writing. I hope we can reach 1k Votes by the end of May because that would be awesome.

Well, you heard him! If you haven't already, we would really appreciate it if you show your support by voting on chapters you like!

Other than that, I have nothing more to say. So, enjoy!


Yea I'm out of here too. Cya!

-Anonymous Ghost


"Alright Brionne, start this with Misty Terrain!" Lillie ordered.

"Rionne!" Brionne clapped happily as she was enveloped in a pink aura. Then, the aura spread out from her body and covered the entire stage.

"Tch, I knew Brionne was gonna be a problem," Dawn muttered to herself. Turning towards Litwick, she called out her order, "Litwick, use Smog!"

"Charge through with Aqua Jet!"

Litwick's body glowed purple as it fired off the Poison-type attack toward Brionne. Brionne responded by enveloping herself in water and shot forward. Brionned charged straight through Litwick's Smog, dispersing it in the process, and slammed into Litwick, throwing it back towards Dawn.

"Litwick are you ok?" Dawn asked worriedly.

"Wick," Litwick said weakly, as a dark aura appeared on its body before dissipating into the air.

"So Taunt has ended. Not that it matters at this point," Dawn thought to herself. "At this rate, Brionne will be able to finish off Litwick and Purrloin easily... I guess I'll just have to do what I can for now."

"Litwick, Sunny Day!" Dawn ordered.

"Brionne, stop it with another Aqua Jet!" Lillie countered.

Litwick's body started glowing a bright orange color as a small ball of flame formed in front of it. Across from it, Brionne covered itself in water and shot towards Litwick. However, she was a second too late. With a cry from Litwick, the ball of flame shot upwards and let out a small explosion as a bright light expanded upon the stage.

"Wick!" Litwick cried out in pain as Brionne slammed into it once again. Brionne then shoved Litwick backward before doing a backflip and landing in front of Lillie.

"Wick," Litwick said weekly as it tried to recover from Brionne's attack. It only managed to hold on for a few seconds before falling backward, eyes replaced with swirly lines.

"Litwick is unable to battle! Trainer Dawn, please send out your next Pokemon!" Lana announced.

"We managed to beat Litwick, but Sunny Day's going to cut Aqua Jet's power in half," Lillie thought. "We'll just have to make do with what we have, I guess."

Dawn sighed as she returned Litwick to its Pokeball. "Thanks for your help Litwick, leave the rest to us," Dawn said as she put the Pokeball away.

"I'm counting on you, Purrloin!" Dawn said as she threw another Pokeball upwards. A flash of blue light later, Purrloin was back on the stage.

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