12| A Battle for Old Times Sake!

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Well, well, well, would you look at that? I'm actually ahead of schedule for once, considering the fact that I've already started writing chapter 13. Anyway, I've got a lot to put here so I'm gonna get straight to it.

First of all, I'm gonna copy the summary of chapter one from my A/N and place it here cause by the time this chapter comes out the A/N would be unpublished. Well, here it is in the form of an absolute mess.

1. The story starts 2 months after the Kalos Crisis. Ash left Kalos one month after the Kalos Crisis and he's been in Pallet Town for one month when the story starts.
2. The story starts in Viridian City with Ash doing an errand for Professor Oak and having a flashback to his goodbye with the Kalos Gang(It's my version, not the one from the anime). Also, Pikachu refused to come and has been acting distant with Ash)
3. In the flashback, Clemont is acting strange, Bonnie wanted to come with Ash but Ash ended up promising Bonnie to come for her when she turns ten, and Serena didn't kiss Ash(I'm sorry, but that's how I made it out to be).
4. Ash then bumps into a person(not in flashback anymore) and then he met Dawn and the two went to Professor Oak's lab together.
5. At the lab, they meet Paul where he admits that Ash is better than him.
6. Oak mentions that Misty and Brock came there earlier that day and Dawn said that Misty did call her and asked weird questions.
7. They said goodbye and went to Ash's house where they were greeted by Delia and she leads them to the living room.
8. Before they enter they heard an argument from inside.
9. The rest is almost the same as the original except for these few points.
- Tracey was there and he ended up apologizing to Ash for not sticking up for him.
- Ash didn't destroy Pika's Pokeball but he released Pika instead.
- Iris was the one who snapped at Misty at the end.
- And the rest is the same with Dawn comforting Ash and the rest.
10. Last important thing is that Ash stayed with Professor Oak for the night of that day before leaving the next day.

Well, I think that's all. I might have missed something but it doesn't really make a difference. Anyway, that's the important stuff from the rewrite. Now, moving on.

Next is OC submissions. You see, I've already gotten a few submissions for the rival role but so far I've only got one for the Team Skull admin role, and that was from ff.net. Well, here's the OC submission format and I'll add the closing date as well.

* means it's optional

1st OC: Team Skull Admin
Pokemon*(A type-specific team preferred):
Closing Date: Monday, February 1st

2nd OC: A Rival for Ash
Age^: 15
Pokemon*(Note that the Pokemons will be degraded/deleveled to match Ash's team):
Closing Date: To be added.

Now, since this chapter won't be deleted then you can submit OCs by comments but it would be appreciated if you submit by PM.

Now, I think that's about it. Well, before you start I want to thank you guys for the support so far. As I'm writing this, this story currently has 5,682 READS and 181 VOTES. Wow, you guys are amazing. I mean, last week this story only had 5k reads, so to get 600+ reads in one week is a new record.

Well, I won't bother you anymore with this so, I hope you enjoy this chapter!



Date: Friday, April 24th

"You know, this isn't too bad," Hau said as he ate his breakfast. After the events yesterday, the three of them had continued on their journey through Route 3, eventually stopping when the sun had started setting.

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